The Board of Trustees of the Kennett Public Library has announced the recent nomination of four new members in a press release.
At the July 21 meeting, the following members were welcomed:
• Christopher David Britt of Kennett Township is a member at-large. Britt works in the financial services industry with John Hancock and has been appointed to the MAD (Marketing, Advocacy and Development) Committee and the Personnel Committee.
• William C. McLachlan, also from Kennett Township, is a Kennett Township appointee. McLachlan retired from Hercules Inc., a specialty chemicals company, and has been appointed to the Finance Committee and the New Building Committee.
• Jeff Yetter of Kennett Township is also a Kennett Township appointee. Yetter retired from the Walter E. Yetter Company, a manufacturer’s representative in the home center industry, and has been appointed to the MAD Committee, New Building Committee, and the Policy Committee.
Stanley Allen of East Marlborough Township was welcomed to the board at its Sept. 15 meeting as a township appointee. Allen works for United Parcel Service and has been appointed to the Board Development Committee and the MAD Committee.
The library board currently comprises 12 trustees, five of whom were appointed by their respective townships (Kennett, East Marlborough, Pennsbury and Newlin) and seven at-large members from Kennett, Newlin, and New Garden townships, and Kennett Square Borough, the release said.
The board officers are Susan Mackey-Kallis, president; Karen Ammon, vice president/secretary; and Joan Weber, treasurer.
At the Sept. 15 meeting, Mackey-Kallis, a Villanova University communications professor, said she recently received a Fulbright Association award that would result in her spending five months teaching in Tokyo next year. She said she would not run for reelection as president; however, she said she hoped that she would be able to continue serving as a board member.
