Letter to the Editor: Tick Tock clears air over theft case

Pervasive misinformation within the community, regarding a recent legal matter involving Tick Tock Early Learning Center, has become apparent. This misinformation has been detrimental to Tick Tock’s fundraising, and therefore the following statement is necessary to clarify an ongoing situation with a former employee, which will hopefully be resolved within the coming weeks. On Feb. 20, the Chester County District Attorney’s office, representing the Commonwealth…

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Longword’s organ film to make TV debut

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Ben Steen, who won the inaugural Longwood Gardens Organ Competition, is shown getting ready to perform.

On Sunday evening, winter-weary area residents can enjoy the beauty of Longwood Gardens without leaving the comfort of their homes as WHYY broadcasts the debut of a new documentary at 8 p.m. on March 22. Filmmaker and producer Eric Schultz of PCK Media used Longwood’s inaugural organ competition for “Pulling Out All the Stops.” The film showcases Longwood as well as its custom-built Aeolian organ,…

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Utility offers weatherizing advice

Snow may have fallen on the first day of spring, but warmer weather is right around the corner.  The change in season is the perfect reminder to weatherize your home to ensure it is as energy efficient as possible, saving energy and money, a PECO press release said. Here are some easy steps customers can take to make a difference: Keep it sealed: Inspect the caulking…

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