With temperatures in the Philadelphia region expected to be in the single digits this weekend, PECO is providing tips to help customers stay safe and save energy and money, despite the deep freeze.
Manage your thermostat. Keep thermostats set at a constant, comfortable level. Lower thermostats a few degrees when sleeping or when out for more than a few hours.
Do not block air flow. Make sure your furniture and drapes are not blocking heating vents.
Take advantage of natural sunlight. Open curtains and drapes during the day to let the sun warm your home and close them at night for insulation.
Do not heat unused areas. Close vents in unused rooms and shut doors to unused rooms, closets and basements.
Keep the heat in. Check for drafts around windows and doors, and seal any openings with weather stripping or even a rolled up blanket. A drafty house lets warm air escape and is much more costly to keep warm – especially on the coldest days of the season.
Change your furnace filter regularly. A dirty filter forces the furnace to work harder. Have the furnace inspected by a licensed professional to ensure it is operating efficiently and to seal any leaks in furnace ducts.
Lower the temperature on your water heater to 120o F and conserve hot water when you can.
Don’t forget to turn it off. Turn off any unnecessary lights and electronics.
PECO reminds customers to put safety first. Never use an oven or other cooking device as a heat source for your home. It also is a good idea to check on elderly neighbors and relatives during the extreme cold.
Looking for even more ways to save energy and money? With PECO Smart House Call, we’ll send an energy advisor to your home, provide a personal energy assessment and offer energy-efficient upgrades on the spot. By identifying energy-efficiency opportunities around your home, you could save up to 20 percent on your monthly energy bill. Learn more at peco.com/smartideas.
To manage energy costs, customers can sign up for budget billing. Budget billing makes short-term fluctuations in monthly bills easier to handle by dividing annual energy costs evenly throughout the year. Customers having trouble managing their bills should contact PECO immediately at 1-800-494-4000.
To help those less fortunate stay warm, donations can be made to PECO’s Matching Energy Assistance Fund (MEAF). The program, funded by voluntary contributions, helps low-income customers restore service or avoid service termination. Donations are matched dollar-for-dollar by PECO. To learn more about how to donate to MEAF or to learn more about PECO’s many low-income assistance programs, visit peco.com/help or call 1-800-774-7040.
Customers looking to help a friend, neighbor or loved one also can give the gift of energy. With PECO Smart Gift of Energy, customers can give any amount toward any PECO customer’s electric or natural gas bill. The PECO Smart Gift of Energy amount will appear on a recipient’s future bill as a credit. To learn more, visit peco.com/gift or call 1-800-597-9514.
