Explore the regional and cultural diversity of New York furniture, discover creations of lesser known but immensely talented cabinetmakers, and immerse yourself in a celebration of furniture at the Sewell C. Biggs Winterthur Furniture Forum: "From New Netherland to Empire State: New York Furniture."

The forum opens Wednesday, March 4, and closes Saturday, March 7, with five optional object workshops and an exhibition tour each day. Eight lectures will be offered on Thursday, March 5, and six lectures and three object presentations on Friday, March 6. All lectures will be held in Copeland Lecture Hall in Winterthur’s Visitor Center.
In assembling his furniture collection, Henry Francis du Pont created a world-class destination for viewing New York furniture in all of its splendid variety. Russell Shorto, one of the expert lecturers who will speak at the furniture forum, said New Yorkers created a place “unlike any other, either in the North American colonies or anywhere else” through the landscapes they shaped and the buildings and furniture they made.
The conference, sponsored in part by Freeman’s, is $375 for members of Winterthur and nonprofit professionals; $435 for nonmembers; and $250 for students and graduates within the past five years with valid student ID. The fee includes Thursday and Friday lectures, lunches, and coffee breaks; and a Thursday evening reception. Wednesday and Saturday workshops and tours are an additional $75.
Registration forms, available at http://www.winterthur.org/furnitureforum, can be mailed with payment to Winterthur Information and Tours Office, 5105 Kennett Pike, Winterthur, De., 19735. Registration forms can be faxed to 302-888-4953, and also can be completed by calling 800-448-3883.
