Author seeks students’ art for parenting book

The Unionville-Chadds Ford School District is looking to draw out the artistic talents of district students and children of staff members, preschool through 12th grade.

Screen Shot 2015-01-22 at 10.09.17 AMFifty works will be selected for inclusion in a parenting book being authored by Randall Stutman, a friend of Superintendent John C. Sanville. Each artist who is chosen to help illustrate the book will receive a $100 honorarium, credit in the book, and a copy of the book, a district email said.

Stutman, a managing partner at CRA Inc. in Radnor, spent more than 20 years as an executive advisor and coach on Wall Street and in financial firms, according to CRA’s web site. A former professor at the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana and Temple University, he has been widely published in business journals and is the author of three books on leadership behavior, including the award-winning Working Through Conflict.

The artwork themes include pets, vacations, meals, parents, siblings, friends, activities, kids, sports, neighborhood, and school. The deadline for submissions, which are unlimited, is Feb. 16. For instructions on entering the competition, visit


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