Pennsylvania State police are reminding residents to lock their car doors and hide valuables.
Troop K, Media barracks, sent out a flyer advising people that a thief can break into a car and take valuables within 30 seconds, but it only takes 20 seconds for people to put those valuables in the trunk.
Vehicle break-ins are on the rise, police said, primarily due to the increase in the number of GPS units and iPods. By leaving cars unlocked, motorists just make it easier for thieves to grab all their valuables.
Thieves are in and out of the vehicle quickly, often times without being seen. Valuables are then used to help the thieves to get drugs. Personal information is also gathered which, in turn, leads to identity theft.
Police also said most thefts from vehicles can be prevented by following some simple rules:
- Close windows and lock you doors;
- Remove valuables and place them in the trunk;
- Remove all “pull out” style radio faceplates;
- Don’t leave keys in the car;
- If possible, secure mounting hardware out of sight. It could indicate to a thief that a device is present.
