• The second annual Mushroom Drop is scheduled for midnight on Dec. 31 in Kennett Square. A 700-pound, illuminated stainless steel mushroom will drop 80 feet from a crane to usher in 2015. The event is at State and Union streets. Festivities begin 9:30 p.m. and go to 12:30 a.m., Jan. 1.
• The Kennett Area Senior Center sponsors a presentation on Alzheimer’s disease on Friday, Jan. 9 from 12:30 – 1:30 p.m. Please join Carol Sweeney as she discusses key subjects such as: Who will develop this disease, the steps you can take to keep your brain healthy, your risk factors, and the role of nutrition in this disease.
• The first major retrospective of the art of Jamie Wyeth begins Jan. 17 at the Brandywine River Museum. Featuring more than 100 works, Jamie Wyeth examines six decades of the artist's career and charts the evolution of his creative process from his earliest childhood drawings through recurring themes inspired by the people, places and objects that populate his world. The exhibit runs through April 5.
