Life On Track: Enjoy the Journey

What does that saying even mean, “Success is a journey, not a destination?”

I believe tit means that success needs to be more than the achievement of a singular goal. Success is about seeing the vision of what you want in life, but understanding that when you do reach that point in life, where you achieve what you want, that new visions of possibility arise.

The problem is, most people view their lives as a destination. It’s like a race to the death, and not a slow, enjoyable, stop and smell the roses stroll.

So then, what does it mean when we say, “Stop and smell the roses?”

To me, that means to take some time and enjoy what you do have, and appreciate the success you’ve already achieved. Take a minute to look at how far you’ve come, and not just focus on how far you have to go. Stop for a minute, and take in the magnificent journey that has been your life so far.

I have a tendency to be a goal-focused person. I put a lot of pressure on myself to achieve, and to live my life for a purpose. That tends to make me focus a lot on the future, instead of just enjoying the now. Instead of appreciating the moment, the success, and the part of the journey that is today, I can find myself living for tomorrow.

That’s because I’m human, and you are too. So whether you are a live for the moment person, and you don’t care at all about what’s to come, or you are a goal-focused person who wants tomorrow, today, just remember one thing.

Each moment, each minute, each hour of your life is a time to celebrate your life. We all need to take more time to focus on what is right about our lives, and not just about what isn’t.

In a single moment, all of what we’ve worked for could be destroyed. In a single moment, our lives can change direction. In a single moment, your priority of life could be completely altered by an unforeseen surprise in life.

So the lesson is this: Right now, in this moment, on your journey, you are reading this word. Stop, and enjoy this moment, because on your journey of life, you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Even if you don’t believe that’s true, you can’t do anything about where you are right now. So take a minute, appreciate how far you’ve come, and remember that in order to live a blessed, grateful life of abundance, you must first appreciate all that you have.

Take some time this week to truly appreciate all you have because happiness is a choice. Nothing you can buy this month will make you happy for the long term. You have to be happy, in order to appreciate life itself, and everything it has to offer.

About Tom Anderson

Tom Anderson is the creator of The LifeTrax Success System and the author of the series of books titled, Your Journey Of Being. As a life coach, his mission is to help people improve their lives and achieve their goals. For more information about Tom’s weekly group coaching or LifeTrax, visit

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