When Colonel John Hannum, Commander of the First Battalion of Chester County militia and his friend Thomas “Squire” Cheyney left Martin’s Tavern in Marshallton, Pa. on the morning of Sept. 11, 1777, they didn’t know they’d be witnesses to a pivotal episode in American history.
That morning as they rode toward Chadds Ford to join the rest of the local militia, “they discovered coming down the hills opposite a very numerous body of soldiers, evidently British…” This account from the Hannum family records noted for posterity the momentous events, which occurred leading up to the Battle of the Brandywine, where Gen. George Washington’s Army was defeated, but survived to fight another day.
Originally known as the Centre House due to its location near the geographic midpoint of Chester County, the property where Martin’s Tavern now stands has roots going back more than three centuries. Local historian Thomas McGuire wrote a detailed narrative of the tavern and states that it was constructed as a “Publick House” on a 2½-acre lot that was part of a 1,250-acre land grant from William Penn to Mary Penington in 1681. McGuire mentions that the original grant was subdivided and later passed to several owners, including Joseph Martin of West Bradford. Martin became the first business owner on the property.
As Colonial settlers were moving to the region and business was thriving, Martin’s application for a license in 1764 said:
“That there is a Necessity for a Publick house for the Entertainment of Travellers in said Township, there being many Large roads Much used by Travellers and no house of Entertainment upon any of them for Several Miles Distant…”
Colonial taverns were important places of social gathering, where people came to pick up messages, discuss farming, business conditions and politics as well as enjoy good food and drink. They were also incubators of the American Revolution, as the country became disenchanted with the overbearing policies of England’s King George III and people planned strategies to gain independence. These gatherings fueled fervent debate, even among peace-loving Quakers, some of whom supported the struggle against Great Britain. Although the tavern property changed hands in subsequent decades, the Pennsylvania Gazette mentions that it continued to serve as a critical place of political discourse regarding upcoming elections and the direction of our young republic.
The village of Marshallton holds many links to our past, including the Bradford Friends Meetinghouse built around the same time as the tavern. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1971. The nearby cemetery has an interesting link to our 16th chief executive.
Nathan Simms was a slave boy living in Washington, D.C. during the Civil War. On the night of April 14, 1865, he was unwittingly persuaded to hold the horses’ reins for John Wilkes Booth, who quietly walked into Ford’s Theatre and shocked the nation as he shot President Abraham Lincoln. Simms’ gravestone lies in the cemetery, the inscription noting that the boy later redeemed himself by helping to capture the notorious assassin.
Walking the streets, visitors sense the rich heritage of the area. The Friends of Martin’s Tavern formed in 2003 to preserve the remains of the historic structure, but the tavern isn’t the only focus of their work. The nearby Blacksmith Shop in Marshallton still stands as a beautiful, rustic reminder of our traditions and serves as a meeting place for the group, which maintains archives and relics from the period. This year is the 250th anniversary of Martin’s Tavern. On Saturday Dec. 6, from 4-6 p.m. the friends’ group will continue their tradition of celebrating a season of light, with a Christmas tree lighting and carolers from West Chester University singing songs. There will even be a special appearance by Santa Claus himself as he prepares for the holidays; light refreshments will be served. Visitors can enjoy the merriment and keep history alive at the corner of Clayton and Northbrook Roads in Marshallton. For more information, visit the FOMT website at www.martinstavern.org.
Gene Pisasale is an author and lecturer based in Kennett Square, Pa. His eight books and lecture series focus on local and regional history. Gene’s latest book is “American Revolution to Fine Art- Brandywine Valley Reflections” which highlights Martin’s Tavern and dozens of other sites in an historic “walking tour” of the region. Gene can be reached at [email protected] or through his website at www.GenePisasale.com.

About Gene Pisasale
Gene Pisasale is an historian, author and lecturer based in Kennett Square, Pa. His eight books and historic lecture series focus on the history of the mid-Atlantic region. Gene’s latest book is Alexander Hamilton: Architect of the American Financial System, which delves into the life and many accomplishments of this important Founding Father who almost single-handedly transformed our nation from a bankrupt entity into the most successful country in the history of mankind. Gene’s books are available on www.Amazon.com. His website is www.GenePisasale.com; he can be reached at [email protected].