I was surprised by the comments of Whitney Hoffman in the recent edition of Chadds Ford Live. By her own admission she is a novice with respect to the broad requirements of state representatives and her “narrow” comments about Steve Barrar clearly show she has little awareness of the requirements of the job. Her platform of education seems to be more appropriately viewed as narrow and lacking understanding of the job.
Steve Barrar has served as our state representative with distinction for many years. When we needed assistance in funding sewer expansion, Steve was there to help us.
When we needed guidance and assistance dealing with several state agencies, Steve was there and when we needed guidance on several municipal issues, Steve was able to give excellent guidance. Clearly these as well as many other areas of involvement demonstrate that Steve is far from narrow. I would rather depict his efforts as the epitome of what a state representative should do for his constituents.
Please join me in voting for Steve Barrar as our state representative of the 160th district.
Keith Klaver
Chadds Ford
Keith Klaver is chairman of the Chadds Ford Board of Supervisors

As Whitney Hoffman acknowledged in the article, Barrar’s office provides excellent constituent service. As a former state legislator, I can attest that providing those services is one of our main responsibilities and is easily done since we have a direct line into every state office.
However, it is the way Barrar votes on issues that are important to many of us – education, healthcare, transportation, and women’s rights – that we object to.
Check out Project Vote Smart for his votes on the issues.
Whitney Hoffman has a law degree and is a business woman who owns and operates her own company. She is a smart, savvy woman of substance who will represent us with dignity.
Please join me in voting for Whitney Hoffman as our new state representative on November 4th.