• Chadds Ford Days is this weekend, Sept. 6 and 7, at the Chadds Ford Historical Society on Creek Road. There will be musket and cannon demonstrations, contemporary and colonial crafters and a visit from Gen. George Washington. Live music is also on tap and there will be a puppet theater. Events run from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days.
• A Sept. 11 remembrance ceremony will be held at the Brandywine Battlefield Park in Chadds Ford Township Thursday, Sept. 11, beginning at 6 p.m. The ceremony is honor of those who fought in the 1777 Battle of Brandywine and those who died in the terror attacks of 2001.
• Darlington Arts Center will host an exhibit of paintings by long-time Concord Township resident, the late Mary Hoberg. The exhibit opens with a reception on Friday, Sept. 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. The event is free with complimentary wine, cheese and light refreshments. Hoberg was a resident of Concord Township for more than 50 years. She served on the Concord Township Planning Commission and was the township zoning officer. Mary studied at Darlington Arts Center with Karl Kuerner.

• The Cunius School of Martial Arts in Old Ridge Village will host an open house for its Parent and Me fitness program on Saturday, Sept. 13, from 1-3 p.m. The day is open for kids 18 months to 4 years old. The studio is in suite 39, 100 Ridge Road in Chadds Ford Township.
• Saturday, Sept. 13 is CSA Day at the Brandywine River Museum of Art. Visitors to the museum courtyard can savor samples of locally grown fruits, vegetables, wine and cheese; meet the farmers and learn about the Brandywine Conservancy's work to preserve family farms and open space. CSA Day runs from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is free.
• Wine and Dinosaurs return to the Delaware Museum of Natural History from noon to 4 p.m. on Sept. 14. Dozens of wines and beers to sample, hors d'oeuvres from top local caterers, live jazz, and a silent auction will be featured to benefit the museum. Admission is $45 for members, $55 for non-members; and $65 at the door. Must be 21 or older. For more information and ticket purchases, visit www.delmnh.org or call 302-658-9111.
• Delaware County SCORE, Brinker Simpson & Company CPAs, and Paychex will offer a seminar presenting the basic bookkeeping and record keeping concepts that a small business owner needs to master. The seminar, sponsored by Delaware County SCORE, Brinker & Simpson CPAs, Paychex, and WSFS Bank, will be held Sept. 18, from 8-10 a.m. at Pescatore's Restaurant, 1810 Wilmington Pike (Route 202) in Chadds Ford Township. Sign-in begins at 7:30 a.m. and a continental breakfast will be available. There is no charge for the seminar, but advance registration is required at delawarecounty.score.org/local events/
• Unionville High School will host a field hockey clinic for grades 1 through 8 from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Sept. 20. Students should bring their sticks, mouth guards, shin guards, water bottles and sneakers. No cleats. The cost is $25 per child and includes a T-shirt if the student is registered by Sept. 12. To register, or for more information, e-mail [email protected] or call Mary Hewes at 610-793-0422.
• YMCA of the Brandywine Valley and YMCA of the Upper Main Line are pleased to be able to offer a free membership to every seventh-grader in Chester County, thanks to the Seventh Grade Initiative, sponsored by Gawthrop Greenwood, PC. The goal of the Seventh Grade Initiative is to inspire youth to discover their passions, develop a healthy lifestyle, and gain the assets needed to avoid risky behaviors and succeed in school and life. To take advantage of the free membership, seventh grade students need to bring their school ID, roster or report card and a parent or guardian to the welcome desk at any of the nine branches of YMCA of the Brandywine Valley and YMCA of the Upper Main Line.
• September is National Preparedness Month and the Chester County Department of Emergency Services is launching a new web site to encourage residents to be prepared and know their risks. ReadyChesco.org promotes the advance preparation of kits that contain basic items your household might need during an emergency, such as food, water and medications in sufficient quantity to last for at least 72 hours.
