• Birmingham Township has hired a new part time police officer. Ben Tobin, of Kennett Square, was sworn in during the July 7 Board of Supervisors’ meeting. His starting pay is $19.80 per hour.
• Township supervisors shaved $11,000 from this year’s road program cost when they voted to eliminate the add-ons at the request of roadmaster Dave Rathbun. The cost for the program is now $193,000. Rathbun then requested the board add an additional $10,000 for road maintenance to the 2015 budget.
• There is an apparent problem with dog waste at Sandy Hollow Heritage Park. Rathbun, during the public comment period, said he’s been seeing more loose and bagged waste at the park since the waste container was removed. That container was removed because people were filling it with other trash. Michael Langer — chairman of the Recreation, Parks and Open Space Committee — said the committee adopted a “No trace left behind” policy, but that is apparently not working. The committee will reconsider options, Langer said.
