Long-time Chadds Ford Township volunteer Fred Reiter has died at the age of 92.
According to his wife Henny, he was under home hospice care when he died. While there’s no official cause of death at this time, she said there were a number of health issues including heart problems, prostate cancer and post polio syndrome. An official obituary will be issued later.
Mr. Reiter was a longtime friend of artist Andrew Wyeth and they used to fence together. He once told a story about how Wyeth’s dog bit him after a fencing session.
He is most remembered as a longtime volunteer within the Chadds Ford community.
“I have a lot of respect for Fred and his service to the community,” said Maurice Todd who served on the Planning Commission with Reiter. “He saw himself as a watchdog for the community long before he was ever on the Planning Commission. He would attend every meeting and took meticulous note. He kept his eye on the supervisors and was very aware if anyone had a conflict of interest.”
Bill Taylor also spent many years on the Planning Commission.
“Fred was a valuable source of information. He knew what was going on and he had a great memory. He had an archive of information and could back up everything he said. He was a great source of information,” Taylor said.
Current Supervisors’ Vice Chairman George Thorpe called his death a “big loss.”
“Fred was an outstanding citizen who helped make Chadds Ford what it is today,” Thorpe said. “He was always concerned about doing the right thing for the township. He will be sorely missed.”
Supervisors’ Chairman Keith Klaver echoed Thorpe’s sentiment adding, “Fred was a leader in the community who contributed to its wealth and benefit. He had a dedication of purpose to the community.”
Former Supervisor Deborah Love also respected him for his dedication to Chadds Ford.
“In 1997, one of my first memories of a Chadds Ford Township meeting that I attended as a new resident was Fred in the front row with questions and discussion points about the agenda items. His involvement and concern for the township continued for years until his health prevented him from participating. Although we didn’t agree on all subjects, I valued his opinions and support of our community. Fred will be missed,” Love said.
Mr. Reiter was also a key member of the Chadds Ford Historical Society.
According to Kathy Wandersee, “He was an invaluable member of the early group, the founding groups [of the society]. He helped found Chadds Ford Days. He helped carry it through. He set up the sound system for the fair. He was the emcee for so many years… He was a very helpful, kind, considerate and hard-working man.”
Ed Wandersee is a former president of the Chadds Ford Historical Society.
"I used to call Fred the 'Ghost of the Barn [Visitors' Center]'. He was everywhere and knew where everything was. He was great," Ed Wandersee said.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.