Ryan Costello, chairman of the Chester County Board of Commissioners, today formally announced his candidacy for Congress today in Pennsylvania’s 6th Congressional District, which includes portions of Chester, Montgomery, Berks, and Lebanon Counties.

“With deep humility and excitement, and after discussions with my family and many local residents, I am pleased to announce that I am a candidate for Congress in the 6th Congressional District,” Costello said in a press release. He is seeking the Republican nomination.
“As a county commissioner, I meet and talk with local residents on a daily basis on a range of issues and people are frustrated by the legislative gridlock in Congress and the slow economic turnaround,” said Costello. “The nation and many elected officials have become so divided and polarized that it is impacting the future direction of the country. Republicans and Democrats are going to have their differences on policy issues – that’s the nature of political parties. But we need to separate those various policy battles from the larger issue of working together as Americans to restore a national sense of optimism and chart a course that ensures the United State is competitive on a global scale – now and in the future.”
Costello noted that under his leadership as chairman, the Chester County Board of Commissioners has worked in a bipartisan manner to approve a revised five-year strategic plan for Chester County that sets a range of priorities and goals in the areas of health, environment, public safety, the county economy, transportation, and future growth. Elements of the strategic plan include maintaining Chester County’s “healthiest county” status; improving water quality and protecting open space; revitalization of urban cores; improving the county’s transportation infrastructure to address traffic and congestion; and promoting job creation, tourism and the continued growth of agriculture sector.
“In Congress, both parties need to work together to do what is in the best interest of the country, just as we have worked cooperatively here on the county level,” said Costello. “But right now, things in Congress have devolved to a constant game of trying to make the other party look bad. It needs to stop.”
Costello said he has had numerous discussions over the course of the past 10 days with local residents, friends, and family about his candidacy and that there were a number of factors he has been considering, including the possibility that his good friend, Val DiGiorgio may announce his own run for Congress. Costello said he was proud to have the support and backing of DiGiorgio, Chairman of the Republican Committee of Chester County, noting that DiGiorgio would have also made an excellent Congressman had he decided to run.
“Ryan has distinguished himself as a smart and thoughtful leader and dedicated public servant,” said DiGiorgio, who is endorsing Costello. “His fresh and no-nonsense approach to problem solving and his record of working for taxpayers as a township supervisor and now as Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners make him the clear choice to represent us in Congress. I am thrilled to give Ryan my enthusiastic support.”
This will not be Costello’s first campaign in the 6th Congressional District. In the 2012 Primary, Costello finished second -- behind only Congressman Jim Gerlach -- in a crowded field of nine candidates to serve as a delegate to the Republican National Convention representing the 6th District.
“I recognize that this is going to be one of the most watched races in the nation,” said Costello. “I am going to work tirelessly each and every day of the campaign to demonstrate to local residents in this very diverse district that I understand the challenges they face and am the right person to serve as their voice and advocate in Congress.”
Costello is in the process of finalizing the formation of his campaign committee – Ryan Costello for Congress – and filing the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission, a process which should be completed in the next few days.
