As a resident and former council member of Painters Crossing, I am concerned about proposed development in Chadds Ford that could negatively affect our quality of life. Most notably are the YMCA (proposed for Hillman Drive), Hovnanian townhomes (across from Hannum Harley Davidson on Brandywine Drive) and the completion of the southwest portion of the loop road.
Completion of the loop road could be forced with either of the developments I mention above, or any number of other developments in our Township or neighboring Concord Township. This loop road — and all of the traffic that will come with these developments — will be approximately 100 feet from our homes in Painters Crossing.
If you’ve attended township meetings in the last several years, you’ve seen that questions about development or the loop road are often met with hostility. There is a lack of proper consideration for the impact this road or other development will have on residents. This must change.
I believe we need a township supervisor who will listen to — and encourage — input from all residents. At this critical time, I believe it is crucial that the right person be elected to the board of supervisors. So, this anti-politics, independent thinker did my homework. I have met both candidates, read their letters, viewed their Web sites and carefully listened at organized meet and greets.
I also attended what I thought would be an unscripted public debate — a chance to see the candidates side by side: how do they react to tough questions, do they seem honest, do they really know the issues? Unfortunately, only speeches were offered. No debate. No Q&A. At first I felt duped, but then it hit me: there was a clear winner — even if there wasn’t a debate.
One candidate stood out as having a clear and complete understanding of the situations facing our township. Well thought out, common-sense ideas were offered. It wasn’t politician-speak. It was straightforward, public servant, I love this stuff-speak. And I thought, finally, “Someone else sees it, too.” He sees what’s broken. He sees how to fix it. He is Frank Murphy. He is the only candidate who has real governing experience and is passionate about governing for the people. This is something we need.
On Tuesday, Nov. 5, I will be voting for a breath of fresh air for Chadds Ford. If you want peace of mind about the direction our township is heading, you’ll vote for Frank Murphy too. I truly believe he’ll do his best to protect our interests here in Painters Crossing and throughout the community.
Vicki Hoxter
Chadds Ford Township
