Home sellers are advised to create the illusion that everything is new and fresh in their homes; however, when pets are involved, it’s not always easy to keep things clean and orderly.
The simplest solution for a pet owner who is selling a home is to relocate the pet to a friend’s or family member’s home or to a pet daycare while the home is on the market. Keeping a pet in the backyard, the garage or in another room that you keep locked is insufficient, and is certainly not fair to the pet.
When a pet is in a home that buyers are coming to view, it could scare away the people from even stepping foot into the house. Many people are worried about dogs or concerned about birds. Allergies can also come into play if cats or other animals are inside.
Owners may think of their pets as the gentlest creatures, but when strangers come into the home to look around, who knows what the animals are thinking? A dog that barks or jumps on people is never a good thing.
If pets are left in the home, make sure to put them in a carrier and attach a note warning buyers not to disturb them.
Removing signs that you have a pet is simply smart practice. Make sure you clean a litter box daily and keep it out of sight. Also, keep all food and water dishes somewhere out of the way, or put them away after the pet eatConsider hiring professionals to remove all pet stains on the carpet before buyers spot them and form unfavorable opinions about the rest of the home.
Finally, although a sleeping cat on the bed may make for a cute picture, someone who is looking at photos on the Internet may automatically bypass a house with photos that include pets, because they immediately imagine animal smells and/or claw marks on the rug.
Pet owners must understand that not everyone loves animals as much as they do and that to many, pets are an unwelcome distraction. Don’t let a pet be the reason you don’t sell your home. Work with your local Realtor to find solutions that will show your home at its best.
* Beth Alois and Jim DeFrank can be reached at 610-388-3700. Prudential Fox and Roach, REALTORS is an independently owned and operated broker member of BRER Affiliates LLC. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license with no other affiliation with Prudential. Equal Housing Opportunity.
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