Mike Daily says he’s serious about making it work. The “it” in question is his role as fire marshal for Chadds Ford Township.
The township had a fire marshal before, then didn’t and had to borrow one from Concord Township. Daily was appointed to the job this past spring.

To make it work, he’s actively engaged in efforts to raise the position’s profile in the township by doing things that haven’t been done in a long time, if ever, in Chadds Ford. He sent out letters to roughly 400 businesses in the township saying they would be inspected for safety and he’s since gotten started on that task.
He’s also been inspecting local schools and conducting fire drills. One such fire drill was held at St. Cornlius School on Sept. 26.
While the staff knew the drill was going to happen, the students didn’t. Still, the 233 students evacuated the building in 1 minute and 15 seconds.
“Fabulous,” was Daily’s comment. “I’ve gotten nothing but support from this school.”
School Principal Barbara Rosini said she appreciates Daily’s efforts to help ensure her students are safe.
And the business owners who were initially apprehensive about the inspections, seem appreciative, too, he said.
“At first they’re shocked when I show up, but after they see how I handle things, they couldn’t be happier.”
According to Daily, it was the supervisors who set schools and businesses as priorities for fire safety, along with the movie theater and large venues. While Fred Field, the Concord Township fire marshal, would respond to requests, supervisors wanted the township to have its own fire marshal who would be more proactive.
“Some of the businesses I walk into have never seen the fire marshal, or it’s been since ’08 since they’ve been inspected…I am, for the first time in a lot of years in Chadds Ford, inspecting businesses for health and safety,” Daily said.
There’s a form on the township Web site that business owners can access to inspect themselves before Daily ever shows up.
What gets looked at are fire alarm systems, points of egress, sprinklers and the access and condition of fire extinguishers.
Currently, there’s not much of a fire code for Daily to enforce. There are only two Chadds Ford ordinances that specifically address anything to do with fires. One is the ordinance that created the fire marshal’s position and the other is the outdoor burning ordinances. There are building codes the township has adopted, however, that address some fire related issues.
“Chadds Ford [supervisors] realize that they are a little behind and they know I have every intention of me telling them what they need. Ordinances will be forthcoming,” he said.
He added that he, as fire marshal, may issue citations and even suspend a business license for violations if necessary, once stricter ordinances are enacted or otherwise incorporated into the township code.
Daily has been involved with emergency response since his mid teens. He joined Brookhaven Fire Co. when he was 16 years old and has spent the last 28 years on Chester Township Police Department. He is a corporal working as patrol supervisor.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.