Living History: We haven’t forgotten

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Two world-changing events occurred on the same date separated by 224 years. One was the Battle of the Brandywine, the largest military engagement in America up until the Civil War. The latter one was an act of lunacy by terrorists that shocked the world. Both have earned an important place in our heritage.

Although nearly 12 years have passed since the attack on Sept. 11, 2001, the scenes of destruction and mayhem remain embedded in the collective memory of our nation. On that morning, 19 hijackers linked to al-Queda wrested control of four American commercial airliners, using them as lethal weapons. American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City; United Airlines Flight 175 penetrated the south tower. Simultaneously, others among the deranged group directed American Airlines Flight 77 into the walls of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Terrorists aboard United Airlines Flight 93 were targeting other strategic facilities in Washington- possibly the White House or the U.S. Capital building. Brave passengers managed to stop them, the plane crashing into the countryside near Shanksville, Pa. Nearly 3,000 people perished that sunny September morning in what was the most violent attack in United States history. As the images floated across television screens around the world, hundreds of millions of law-abiding citizens were stunned with an unpleasant reality- we’d entered a new age, one constantly threatened by those who want to destroy our way of life.

Sept. 11, 2001 was not an isolated event, but it was the most consequential. Our country had experienced many acts of terror over the years. From the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993 to the devastating attacks on U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998 and the assault on the U.S.S. Cole in October 2000, we’d been given many warnings, signposts along a road now more treacherous, filled with both uncertainty and the possibility of future atrocities difficult to prevent.

The September 11th Remembrance has become a solemn fixture each year at Brandywine Battlefield Park- honoring the day Lafayette fought with General Washington to help us gain our independence and the tragic day 12 years ago as important in our history. This year many special guests have been asked to be part of the ceremonies. Brother David Schlatter, a member of the Franciscans will ring his “Bells of Remembrance” as he has done for several of these memorials. Schlatter’s appearance will follow his performance ringing the bells at a similar event the same day in downtown New York City. John Sagrati, a member of the Ceol Neomh Pipe Band in Lancaster, Pa. will be there playing the bagpipes in solemn recognition of all who died and those who served valiantly trying to save them. The Brandywine Baptist Church will sing hymns honoring all these heroes. There will even be an appearance by the “father of our country”- General George Washington in full military uniform, as portrayed by “living biographer” Carl Closs. Closs has been at the Park for this occasion many times. He’s appeared as Washington at numerous venues around the country, including Mount Rushmore, Valley Forge and others for the last 16 years.

Today many children wonder what it would be like to talk to their father who never came home that day from work. Hundreds of men still grieve, seeing the empty chair at the dinner table where their wife once sat. Most peace-loving people have trouble understanding the mindset which produced these tragic events. We all likely sense- deep down inside- that our country has changed forever. Yet, this new world need not be one of fear. It is one in which we must alter the way we detect threats to our national security before they become disasters. Amidst this heightened level of danger, we cannot lose sight of two things. Those who perished that day in 1777 and 2001 will always be heroes. The other is more fundamental. We must not grant terrorists the option to dictate the way we live our lives. To allow that would deliver the victory they’ll so gladly die for. Prevailing through our struggle for independence and more recently those horrific attacks, we as a nation are stronger, more resilient and wiser than we were before being tested in the forge of calamity. We should use that wisdom to build a better, safer world for all mankind.

The commemoration this year will be on Wednesday September 11th from 6- 6:30 P.M. at Brandywine Battlefield Park. For more information, please call the Park at 610- 459- 3342 or visit their website at

* Gene Pisasale is an author and lecturer based in Kennett Square, Pa. He has written six books and conducts an ongoing lecture series on topics of historical interest. Gene’s latest book is “The Forgotten Star” which delves into the War of 1812 and true life mysteries surrounding the Star-Spangled Banner. It is dedicated to all of our Veterans. His website is; he can be reached at [email protected].



About Gene Pisasale

Gene Pisasale is an historian, author and lecturer based in Kennett Square, Pa. His eight books and historic lecture series focus on the history of the mid-Atlantic region. Gene’s latest book is Alexander Hamilton: Architect of the American Financial System, which delves into the life and many accomplishments of this important Founding Father who almost single-handedly transformed our nation from a bankrupt entity into the most successful country in the history of mankind. Gene’s books are available on His website is; he can be reached at [email protected].

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