One island, two artists and many spirits

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Wreck of the D.T. Sheridan By Rockwell Kent

Storms and shipwrecks contrast with tranquil horizons in the portrayal of island life at the current exhibit at the Brandywine River Museum. Amanda C. Burdan, curator for the Jamie Wyeth, Rockwell Kent and Monhegan exhibit,  guided visitors through artwork whose creation spanned a century. Describing the process of selecting work to display for this exhibit, Burdan said there were many spirits. The spirits of the…

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Conservancy receives grant from DuPont Clear into the Future

  The Brandywine Conservancy has received a $10,000 grant from DuPont Clear into the Future to preserve and improve the water quality of the Brandywine at its source in Honey Brook Township, Chester County. The funds will help the conservancy to continue its work to protect farms in the headwaters of the Brandywine and help farmers and other landowners implement best management practices on their…

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