• The fifth-graders at Chadds Ford Elementary School have completed their "Leave Behind Gift" for the school. The students ran a small business, selling Chadds Ford Elementary School stickers. They publicized the sale in classroom presentations and by writing scripts for the student-run CFE TV, sold stickers at several school events, sent home sale flyers, filled the orders and counted the money. They raised more than $500 and received a $300 donation from the PTO to purchase a handcrafted bench. All students sketched one of their favorite memories from their six years at CFES. A committee of fifth-grade moms coordinated the project with the students and art teacher Susan Smith served as the faculty advisor. (Photo: From left are Michael Walter-Dillon, Katelyn Kurkewicz, and Peter Kucharczuk. Photo courtesy of Mary Walter.)
• The annual Memorial Day Service at Brandywine Baptist Church will be held will be held Monday, May 27 at 8:30 a.m. in the church’s cemetery. The speaker is Ray Coe, scoutmaster of Troop 31, Vietnam Veteran and Purple Heart recipient. Following the long tradition, VFW Post 6835 will offer a 21-gun salute. Local Boy Scout troops will present the colors. Attendees will place flowers on the graves of veterans.
• Aetna has named JLI Associates, of Concord Township, a Premier Producer Firm for 2013. The Premier Producer designation is earned each year by only two percent of brokers selling Aetna Group products, according to a press release. JLI Associates, formed in 2001, is a boutique consulting firm specializing in benefits consulting for individuals and businesses. JLI’s director of business development is Dominic Cxappelli.
• State Sen. Dominic Pileggi, R-9, of Chester, will host a free Senior Expo on Thursday, May 30, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Red Clay Room, 423 Dalmation Street in Kennett Square. The expo will feature nearly 60 exhibitors from state, county and local agencies offering information on programs of interest to seniors. Scheduled exhibitors include the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Chester County Sheriff’s Office, Chester County Veterans’ Affairs Office, Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, and Pennsylvania Insurance Department.
• The Brandywine River Museum hosts the annual bonsai (ornamental trees and shrubs whose growth is trained using an ancient Japanese craft) exhibit in the museum courtyard on June 1 and 2. Members of the Brandywine Bonsai Society will be present to demonstrate training techniques and answer questions regarding special care of these extraordinary trees.
• The New Garden Flying Field, 1235 Newark Road in Toughkenamon, will hold an open house and antique car gathering on Saturday, June 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a free event and features planes, cars, airplane rides and live music. The rain date is June 2.
• The Concordville-Chadds Ford Rotary and Garnet Ford & Garnet Volkswagen present the third annual Twisted Vintner Homemade Wine Competition from 6-9:30 p.m., June 6 at Garnet Ford. For tickets and information, go to twistedvintner.org
• The Kennett Symphony will present Sound the Brass on Saturday, June 22, at 7:30 p.m (Rain date June 23) in the Open Air Theatre of the Longwood Gardens. The symphony’s full brass and percussion will present a musical extravaganza of diverse programming from the Renaissance to Ragtime. Tickets are $35 in advance, $40 at the door. Admission includes free parking and all-day admission to the gardens. For tickets or information, visit www.kennettsymphony.org or call 610-444-6363.
