• The Delaware Museum of Natural History will illuminate some of our planets most fascinating creatures and features with Ready, Set, Glow! on Saturday, March 9, from 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. This special event will include glowing rock and mineral demonstrations from the Delaware Mineralogical Society, free glowing giveaways for the first 200 children, our special exhibit, Glow: Living Lights. This event will also feature a fluorescitorium, a darkened, tunnel-like display that will allow visitors to see various rocks and minerals glowing under special lighting. In addition, visitors will learn what makes each mineral glow a particular color or, in some cases, multiple colors. This event is free with admission: $9 for adults, $7 for children (3-17), $8 for seniors, FREE for children 2 and younger, FREE for museum members. For more information visit www.delmnh.org or call 302-658-9111.
• The annual Chadds Fiord Elementary School Art Sale and Show is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16. New for this year, cartoonist John Gallagher will create personalized cartoon works, and there will be an Art Café where kids 5-12 can create their own masterpieces. This is the 64th year for the event that benefits the CFES PTO projects.
• The Brandywine River Museum will present the first in a series of exhibitions focusing on a major work of art. Andrew Wyeth's "Ides of March: The Making of a Masterpiece” presents a rarely seen tempera painting from 1974 along with more than 30 studies that were instrumental in its development. The exhibition is on view from March 16 through May 19, and is accompanied by a fully illustrated catalogue. The museum is open daily, except Christmas Day, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is $12 for adults; $8 for seniors; $6, for students and children ages 6 to 12; and free for members and children under six. Admission is free on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to noon, through November 24, except during the annual Antiques Show on Memorial Day weekend.
• The Brandywine Battlefield Park is opening up for Spring 2013 with Charter Day on Sunday, March 10, from noon to 4 p.m. The day will feature tours of the home that was Washington’s Headquarters during the battle, military demonstrations, 18th century gunsmiths, blacksmiths and carpenters, British camp and soldiers and a lecture by the infamous Sandy Flash. For more information, contact the Park at 610-459-3342 or visit their website at http://brandywinebattlefield.org/
• Chiropractor Thomas Bianco of Bianco Family Chiropractic is holding another of his Dinner on the Doc at Pescatore’s Restaurant in Keystone Plaza on Route 202, 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 19. The free three-course dinner is part of Bianco’s wellness forum. He’ll be giving away a $50 Visa Gift card and other prizes, a press release said. Call 484-840-9100 to register.
• The Chester County Register of Wills office now will send representatives to hospices, nursing facilities and private homes to execute legal documents pertaining to marriage licenses and notarizing power-of-attorneys for those in their last stages of life or not ambulatory. To contact the Register of Wills office to find out more about this service, call 610-344-6335.
