For the first time in its more than 300-year history, Birmingham Township will honor two recently deceased volunteers.
Supervisors agreed to honor the late Supervisor Al Bush and Recreation, Parks and Open Space member Jim Phreaner. Supervisors voted 2-0 to have a plaque in Bush’s honor placed on a park bench at Sandy Hollow. A similar plaque for Phreaner will go on a bench at Birmingham Hill. Both plaques will be installed when benches are replaced.
The idea for the Phreaner plaque was brought up by RPOS Chairman Mike Langer. Phreaner, who was also a reporter for Chadds Ford Live, died in December.
Supervisors’ Chairman John Conklin commented that at no time in Birmingham Township’s history has any past volunteer been memorialized. He added that there should be one for Bush who also died last year.
Conklin said he wasn’t sure how people should be honored, and questioned what might be appropriate “for all the elected and non-elected people who have served in the last 325 years.”
Fellow Supervisor Scott Boorse agreed that the plaques were reasonable but added, “We need to be cautious of who and how we memorialize.”
Supervisor Bill Kirkpatrick was absent.
RPOS members are also looking to keep dog waste from ruining the local parks. The current waste stations are not working properly, Langer told the supervisors. He said the containers dedicated for the waste are overflowing with water bottles and other trash.
Sandy Hollow is more of a problem than Birmingham Hill, Langer said.
Supervisors gave the committee the go ahead to investigate a “Leave No Trace” approach where bags are provided, but dog owners are to take the waste away with them when they leave the parks.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.