The Chadds Ford Zoning Hearing Board denied a sign variance requested for Keystone Plaza. Chairman Bob Reardon said during the Oct. 17 hearing that approving the request would have been “transformative.”
Keystone Plaza owner Andy Varriale had requested the new sign for the shopping center located along the southbound side of Route 202 because, he said, motorists couldn’t read the tenants’ names as they drove by. A variance was needed because the proposed sign — at 24 feet high and with an area in excess of 50 square feet — failed to conform to the sign ordinances of Chadds Ford.
The ordinance requires signs to be no more than 10 feet tall and no more than 50 square feet. The proposal also included a dynamic LED sign.
During a hearing in September, Reardon suggested making the sign smaller and removing the LED portion.
The plan presented in October did have the dynamic portion removed, but the height was 20 feet. At 11 feet wide, the sign still exceeded the 50 square foot limit.
Board members were unanimous, voting 3-0 against the request.
Reardon said, “Other merchants are watching what we do. If we approve this, it will be transformative…What we do will set a new standard.”
He added that it would be better for the supervisors to re-examine the sign ordinance.
Another hearing also continued from September — that for the Chadds Ford side of a Wegman’s development — was continued again to November with no new testimony. The developer requested the continuance.
That application is for a parking variance so that 181 parking spaces can be put into the Light Industrial zone abutting Concord Township where the proposed Wegman’s is planned. The area is on the northbound side of Route 202 across from Hillman Drive.
Chadds Ford code allows parking in the LI zone only as an accessory use, meaning there would have to be a structure built in the zone. No such building is planned.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.