The homeowner called it a “perfect storm” of contributing factors.
By Rich Schwartzman
The cause of the April 9 fire that destroyed a house on Carnation Lane in Chadds Ford is still under investigation, said Fire Marshall Fred Field. Field gave an update during the May 2 Chadds Ford Board of Supervisors’ meeting.
Field said there were a number of contributing factors that made the fire so destructive: mulch, winds gusting to 40 mph, a tree near the house and a wood shingle roof.
Homeowner Tom Kerwin called it a perfect storm.
Field said there was a work crew working outside the home who left the property for a break. Kerwin and another resident were inside but smelled smoke. They went outside and saw that a tree was on fire. They put it out with garden hoses, but didn’t realize flame had wicked up to the roof. He said the attic was probably already on fire by that time.
The 911 call was made at 1:38 p.m., but several units were already on a call in Chester Heights and didn’t arrive until 13 minutes later. However, Fire Chief Tom Nelling was on the scene within six minutes. By that time, Fields said, the house was already fully involved.
“We ran out of building before we even got started,” Field said.
Firefighters stayed on the scene until after 10 p.m. and went back the following morning to double check the site.
More than a dozen fire companies responded to the fire. No one was injured.
