In My Experience: Life Changes


It seems like
everything is always changing and often in ways I did not expect. How can I get
my life to be more constant?


Wants Peace
and Quiet

Dear Wants
Peace and Quiet,

You can’t stop
the natural flow of life.



In My Experience

My daughter
always liked board games. It
started with Candyland and it went from there. Over the years we spent many
hours on the floor challenging each other. Looking back, the best game I had bought and played
endlessly (or so it seemed) with her was The Game of Life. Luckily this game
was bought before she entered adolescence and ‘knew it all’. So she was open to
seeing how different choices lead to different outcomes, and also how no matter
the outcome, an obstacle could arrive with the throw of the dice. It helped her
to learn about money, education, relationships, lifestyle, and of course-LIFE.
Best gift I ever gave her.

However, as a
person tuned into observing patterns, there is another part of life that I have
noticed over the years. Life seems to move along a pattern of seven-year

Age 7-First grade is the start of
serious education. No more Playdoh and naps.

14-Hormones kick in and our world turns upside down.

Age 21-We are
adults and fully into preparing for our careers.

Age 28-After 5
years in the work world, we have fallen in love and are ready to marry.

Age 35-If our
marriage has survived the seven
year itch’, we are now parents.

Age 42-Our
children are starting school and we have to let go a little.

49-Mid-life crisis is in full swing and we are now divorced.

Age 56-Our
children are in college and we are tired of our career.

Age 63-We
become grandparents.

Age 70-We are
in Florida, in Disney World acting like kids.

Age 77-Health
issues become serious. Friends die.

Age 85-We are
old and surprised to still be alive.


Is this chart
completely accurate? Of course not.

Does it apply
to everyone? No way.

Is the outcome
the same? Yes.

We all die.

Lesson here:
LIFE is short. Embrace the changes.

*Jeanne-Marie Curtis came from
Philadelphia to Chadds Ford Township in 1990. She has her BBA in HR
Management/Employment Law. She is the author of Junctions by Jeanne-Marie
(Every Woman’s Journey and Journal)
available at

*To submit a question: email
Jeanne-Marie at [email protected]

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