The 63rd annual
Chards Ford Elementary School Art Sale and Show is coming up Friday and
Saturday, March 23 and 24. For those who have never attended, we suggest doing
so this year.
Betsy Wyeth began the tradition
in 1949 when her son Jamie was a student at CFES.
It’s an event that needs to be
experienced as the gymnasium is turned into a giant art gallery featuring the
works of professional artists from around the region and beyond. This year’s
featured artist, as reported in this issue, is local favorite Paul Scarborough.
Other local artists such as Karl Kuerner and Judy McCabe-Jarvis have been
featured in other years.
The show and sale is the
biggest fund-raiser for the CFES PTO, and that’s the ultimate reason for going.
A portion of the sale price for the professional artwork — from painting to
photography to copper water fountains — goes to the PTO.
The PTO uses the money for a
variety of art and educational enrichment programs, as well as special
assemblies. Several years ago the outdoor classroom at CFES was made possible
because of the PTO’s fund-raising efforts.
While the Unionville-Chadds
Ford School District does serve an affluent community and the taxes are high,
it doesn’t supply everything that people might want for their child’s education
experience. That’s why the PTO’s efforts are needed.
Even if one is not in the
market for any new art, the Friday night portion of the show is always
entertaining with good conversation and hors d'oeuvres in a packed gymnasium.
This year, though, there’s
something special for Saturday. Authors Barbara Walsh and Catherine Quillman
will be on hand for a discussion and book signing of their recent books.
Quillman wrote “100 Artists of the Brandywine Valley,”considered
a comprehensive guide to the artistic history of the Brandywine region. Her
presentation will cover the history and relevance of the Brandywine Tradition
including the work of 19th century photographers, Howard Pyle’s students and
Chadds Ford painters.
Walsh will be signing copies of
her book, “Sammy in the Sky,” which was illustrated by Jamie Wyeth. Wyeth will
pre-sign a limited number of books, which will be available for purchase and
co-signing by Walsh at the show.
It pays to make time for an
artistic tradition.
