• Concord Township supervisors
selected Elizabeth A. “Libby” Salvucci as supervisor, replacing Colleen
Morrone. Morrone was elected to Delaware County Council in November. Salvucci
has previously served on the township Zoning Hearing Board and has been a
Concord Township resident for nine year. The term expires Dec. 31, 2013.
• The Concordville Chadds Ford
Rotary Club, along with their sponsors Garnet Ford and Garnet Volkswagen, will
present “The Twisted Vintner,” second annual Homemade Wine Contest. It will be held on Thursday April 12. Celebrity guest judge will be Dick
Vermeil, of Vermeil Wineshttp://www.vermeilwines.com, and
former coach of the Philadelphia Eagles.
The reception will include attendees sampling the wines made by local vintners and
will begin at 6 p.m. at Garnet Volkswagen. Winners for best red and white wines
along with an honorable mention in each category will be announced at 8 p.m.
Twin Lakes Brewing Company of Greenville will also be on hand with their
locally produced beer. Heavy Hors D’Oeurves will be served and music will be
provided. The tickets are $15 or 2 for $25.
Donations collected will benefit the Big Hearts for
Brighter Futures Campaign of the Concordville Chadds Ford Rotary Club, which assists
the children of our community by providing a handicap accessible playground, holiday
assistance, summer camp scholarships, literacy projects, college scholarships, donations
to local food pantries and shelters, and much more, For more information, to purchase
tickets or to feature your homemade wine please visitwww.ccfrotary.org and
click on Twisted Vintner, or follow this link:http://www.ccfrotary.org/Events/Vintner.html
