KAU Little League Baseball and Softball will host
its first informational and general membership meeting for 2012 on Monday,
Jan. 16, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Kennett Square
American Legion Hall, 208 East State Street. Free parking is available in the
lot behind the Library on Church Alley (a left-hand turn from Old Baltimore
Pike/East State Street).
Parents who are interested in enrolling their sons
and/or daughters and parents who already have registered their children for the
spring 2012 season are invited to attend. Anyone
one who is interested in managing or coaching a teamin any division of
baseball or softball should make every effort to attend the meeting. Division
commissioners will be introduced; as well, the manager appointment process and
manager/coach responsibilities and expectations will be discussed. Any prospective manager or coach who cannot
attend must contact the appropriate vice president for Little League
Baseball, Little League Softball, or 90-foot Baseball before the meeting. The
vice-presidents’ names may be found on the 2011-2012 KAU Board link on the KAU Web
topics to be highlighted at the meeting are: evaluation process; team
selection and draft; Little League’s commitment to volunteerism and
sportsmanship; roles of board members; and opportunities for families to become
involved in all activities of the league, such as field and facilities
maintenance, umpire certification, snack shack, and special events, among
Questions about registration only should be
directed to [email protected].Registration for both softball and
baseball closes mid-January 2012.
Detailed reference information will be posted at kaulittleleague.orgcloser to the meeting date.
