Dear Jeanne-Marie,
With holidays coming soon, I wish to do something different this year,
something that really matters. Any suggestions?
Need Ideas
Short answer:
Dear Need Ideas,
Perform a kindness to a stranger. They will never forget it.
Long answer:
From my favorite poem..
Whenever life had dealt a blow
and I knew not which way to go
a surge of hope always came through
-the kindness of a stranger.
One day when she was only three
I took my daughter for a Christmas tree
with little money, a beauty we had
-with the kindness of a stranger.
The day had come to leave our rental
without a home where would we settle?
without a chance, a home was ours
-from the kindness of a stranger.
A visit to a Goodwill store
where we left coats with no need for
we came upon new furniture
-from the kindness of a stranger.
But how would we transport it home
a mother and child, all alone
but here he was with pickup truck
-the kindness of a stranger.
Now we know and we can see
when we take a moment just to be
a ray of light to someone else
-we're the kindness of a stranger.
(Excerpt from Junctions by Jeanne-Marie)
To all of the strangers, throughout the years, who have helped my daughter
and I, you were Peace on Earth personified. Thank you.

Today as I was driving, I looked down and realized I had not faxed a very important paper which was due that day. As I have no access to a fax machine and was nowhere near a store with that service, I took a chance and pulled into the Concordville Nissan-Subaru on 202. I truly expected to be turned down when I asked if someone could possibly fax something for me.Bbut that did not happen…Eli Morales stopped doing a pile of work and went out of his way to make sure it was faxed and confirmed. There is was-The Kindness of a Stranger. Thank you, Eli.
If you have had a kindness from a stranger, I would love to see it posted here under Post A Comment.