In My Experience: Precious Moments

Dear Jeanne-Marie,
My friend just adopted the most beautiful baby girl and I am curious about
the baby's real mother. Is it wrong to ask questions?

Short answer:
Dear Curious,
The real mother is the one that just adopted the child. Anyone else is the
birth parent.

In my experience:
As an adopting mom, I too have been asked this question. It is the daily
love, joy, experience and commitment that make a real Mommy.

With that in mind, unless you are seriously considering adopting a child
and are seeking information about the process yourself, just share in the
joy and wonder that all new parents are experiencing.

Over the last 16 years I have been asked many questions and all were
well-meaning, some were hilarious, but only once was one deliberately

I was in China traveling with several newly adopting moms and we had taken
a trip to the local Department Store #1. We wandered through the store
with our babies resting peacefully in our Snugglies, and drew quite a lot
of attention as many of us were tall and light haired.

The store was crowded but the people were curious yet respectful, some shy
and peeking at us and the tiny dark haired babies we held close to our

One very old woman with a deeply lined face took her hand from inside her
sleeve, smiled at me and gave the American 'thumbs up'. There was an
understanding between us that needed no words.

So we were all taken aback when two men behind a counter said, "Hey! What
did you pay for them?"
We were stunned into silence until one person uttered the perfect answer:

"They are priceless."


*Jeanne-Marie Curtis
came from Philadelphia to Chadds Ford Township in
1990. She has her BBA in HR Mgmt/Employment Law. She is the author of
Junctions by Jeanne-Marie (Every Woman's Journey and Journal) Available at Products/Books.

To submit a question:
email Jeanne-Marie at [email protected]

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