• The exhibit Giants: African Dinosaurs, created by
Project Exploration, opens Dec. 3 at the Delaware Museum of Natural History. It
runs through Feb. 26. The exhibit features the findings of world-renowned
paleontologist Paul Sereno with clues to the mystery of how shifting continents
affected dinosaur evolution. Admission is $8 for adults, $6 for children
(3-17), $7 for seniors, free for children 2 and younger. Free for museum
• The Brandywine River Museum
celebrates the season with annual holiday displays including an extensive
O-gauge model railroad, antique dolls from the collection of Ann Wyeth McCoy,
an elaborate Victorian dollhouse, and thousands of whimsical “critter”
ornaments on holiday trees. New this year is a display featuring Ann Wyeth
McCoy’s adult-sized dollhouse. It was divided into six rooms on two floors.
Decorated displays will feature dolls and doll-sized furniture that Mrs. McCoy
collected all her life, including handmade furniture, rugs, and other
furnishings. Brandywine Christmas runs Nov. 25-Jan. 2.
