In My Experience: Where’s the food?

Dear Jeanne-Marie,
I want to be a healthier person but there are so many different diets and
exercise programs out there, I don't know what to do!

Get in Shape

Short Answer:
Dear Get in Shape,
It is simple. If it is not food, do not eat it.

In My Experience:
Dear Get In Shape,
I am pleased that my health checkups show that I am still in good shape
and I am convinced that it all started with a little comment from my

Years ago, I had asked, "There are so many labels and
claims on food, I
just cannot seem to figure out what is good for me and what is not."
My doctor made a very simple reply that changed my perspective forever:

"If it is not food, it is not food."

I pondered this a bit
because it seemed a riddle. So I decided to try an
experiment. I wanted to see how easy it would be to shop for real food.
At the local supermarket, I began to try to shop for that week's groceries
while keeping the words "If it is not food, if is not food." in mind.

What a shock.

I traveled up and down the aisles, picked up package after package and to
my dismay, I did not see food listed on the packages; I saw words I could
not understand. So I persevered.
It took a very long time and much disappointment as I realized that my
favorite meals had only a fraction of actual food; the rest was chemicals.

I started to panic.

If I followed my doctor's suggestion, there was nothing for me to buy!

Finally it dawned on me. I began to just walk around the outside edges of
the supermarket, avoided the aisles, and voila', there it was, right in
front of my eyes.
The produce section, the dairy row, the meat counters, and my favorite-the
pasta area. Everything was nothing but actual food; simply one

Once I began shopping for food with the words in my head, "If is not food,

it is not food", it became a way of life, cut my costs in half, but best
of all, within no time at all, I was healthier than ever.

There was one other thing I changed.

Previously, the extent of my efforts to exercise was getting from my house
to my car. I knew I should exercise, but being the lazy person I am, I
knew I would never commit to a gym or buy expensive equipment.

Then one day, during my day job's recess. I was watching children jumping
rope and I began to reminisce about my fun filled childhood days and about
our simple toys. So, I asked the children if I could try the jumping rope
and to my surprise, it was not only fun, it was exhilarating.

I was using almost every muscle in my body including my heart. I tried
every day until I built up to 100 jumps. Some of my success in my new
venture was the pure delight of young children watching a "grown-up"
something so out of the ordinary; they were my personal cheering squad!

The last discovery I made was that I could easily take a jump rope

No more excuses for me.


*Jeanne-Marie Curtis
came from Philadelphia to Chadds Ford Township in
1990. She has her BBA in HR Mgmt/Employment Law. She is the author of
Junctions by Jeanne-Marie (Every Woman's Journey and Journal) Available at Products/Books.

To submit a question:
email Jeanne-Marie at [email protected]

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