A tax increase is proposed for Chadds Ford Township mainly due to reduced revenue. Real estate transfer taxes are down due to the facts that the Toll Brothers’ development is sold out and that existing homes are being reassessed at a lower value. Reimbursements from the state have also been reduced.
The proposed 1.9% increase is the first increase in four years. Projected township revenue of $633,697 with expenses of $644,565 leaves $10,868 deficit to be made up with the tax increase. The proposed 2012 budget will be voted on at the December meeting.
The question came up about the amount of money lost when Endo Pharmaceuticals leaves Chadds Ford at the end of 2012. According to Township Chairman of Board of Supervisors Garry Paul, Endo contributes about $30,000 to the revenue of the township which will have to be made up elsewhere beginning in 2013.
Supervisors also asked Township Solicitor Hugh Donaghue to investigate an ordinance that would move the control of tax collection mechanism from under the control of the Tax Collector to the vote of the Board of Supervisors. Township resident Bruce Prabel pointed out that the responsibilities for tax collection and liability against malfeasance reside with the elected Tax Collector personally according to state law.
Paul explained that they were just looking at ways to reduce the expenses of the collection function. Township manager Joe Barakat produced a comparison of collection costs with other comparably sized townships. Chadds Ford’s total was more than twice that of other townships. The question of effectiveness of collection and if the amount paid other township tax collectors reflected the whole cost if the tax collector is also employed by the township for other tasks as well as tax collection.
In other township news, Trooper Rosemary McGuire reported car break ins at Painters Crossing and at the Brandywine River Museum. Several deer hunting stands were reported stolen. Pennsylvania Game Commission is working with State Troopers to address poaching. Township resident Paul Koch ask what a property owner should do if hunters appear on his property. McGuire said that police should be called. Police are assuming responsibility for unauthorized hunters as trespassers. No longer are calls going to be sent back and forth to the Game Commission.
Meeting on November 21st at 8:30 AM will be to finalize LST Ordinance.

About Emily Myers
Emily Myers has lived and worked in Chadds Ford for over thirty five years. She founded the parent company of Chadds Ford Live, Decision Design Research, Inc., in 1982. ChaddsFordLive.com represents the confluence of Myers' long time, deep involvement in technology and community. Myers was a founding member of the Chadds Ford Business Association and currently serves on its board of directors. Her hobbies include bridge, golf, photography and Tai Chi. She lives with her husband, Jim Lebedda, in Chadds Ford Township.
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I feel there shouldn’t be hunting in Chadds Ford. Living very close to the Brandywinne the property isnt very large, to allow hunting in POSTED area is braking our own laws. We aren’t setting very good examples. , I must say at this DAY I feel very uncomfortable with anyone
around with guns and bows, arrrows. How do we know if they are really who they say they are when questioned. Giving them reason to carrie arms in our area is not welcome by me and many others I have spoken to . I feel very uncomfortable. To top it off DEER get spooked, and i came very close to one jumping into my convertable top last yr . After hearing gun shots. PEOPLE that want to Really hunt, should go to the mountains , wide open spaces. not in residential Area. This in my book is sport hunting. just to say they GOT a deer. OK, go work for it, Drive. spend the week- end in the wide open spaces , cold wet and not going home at night. but to just start up when the sun comes up Ha. It isn’t the 1800 Our are, and other area has been built up. Lets be level headed.