Mark Leipold, Unionville High School, participated in the USA Volleyball Boys' Junior Nationals in Minneapolis June 29 - July 2 with the Chantilly Virginia Volleyball Club's 18 Storm team. Hundreds of boys teams teams in the open and club divisions, age levels 12 through 18, travelled from all over the United States and Puerto Rico to Minneapolis for the 2011 National Championships. In addition to being co-captain of Unionville High School's 2011 Boys' Varsity team, Mark also plays with the Delaware Junior Volleyball Club's 18 Excel team. During the club season, he competed against Chantilly 18 Storm. As a result of those meetings, Mark was invited to join the Chantilly team to play at the National Championship, along with three players from Maryland and four from Virginia. The team battled through eight tough matches over the first three days, winning only one set. On the fourth and final day, the team stormed through three matches winning all three to finish at the top of their Flight. Unionville co-captain Brian Bushelow was also recruited to play at Nationals but was unavailable to participate.
