Gerald Montaigne Jr. of Kennett Square, died on May 24. He
was 89.
Mr. Montaigne was born on Aug. 29, 1921 in Woodstown, N.J.
He was the son of Gerald Montaigne, financial secretary to Pierre S. du Pont,
and Hilda Dickeson Montaigne.
He graduated from the Tower Hill School in Wilmington and
attended the University of Virginia before entering the U.S. Army in 1943. He
served in an anti-aircraft unit in the European theater. His unit landed in
France and fought in France and Germany. After returning home, Mr. Montaigne
re-entered the University of Virginia, graduating in 1947.
He then joined the du Pont Co., where he worked for 35 years
before retiring in 1982. He was initially based in Jacksonville, Fla., where he
worked for the photo products department, and then transferred to Charlotte,
N.C., for the textile fibers department, traveling the south selling Orlon,
Dacron and other du Pont fibers.
In 1958 he returned to the Wilmington area and eventually
rose to become a marketing manager for the small, yet highly profitable, group
that sold synthetic down products, such as Fiberfill, Hollofil, and Quallofil.
Mr. Montaigne was married to Anne Kavanagh Montaigne, who
died in 1995. He later remarried Olive Prout, and they lived in Cartmel and the
Kendal-Crosslands retirement home in Kennett Square. Olive Montaigne died in
Mr. Montaigne belonged to the Greenville Country Club, the
Wilmington Country Club, and the Wildwood Country Club. He was active in the
association of retired managers from the Du Pont Company. He was an
enthusiastic golfer, an avid Phillies and Eagles fan, and especially loved
spending time in Avalon, N.J., where the family had a summer home.
He is survived by his sons, Gerald III and Fen; his
daughters-in-law, Anne Montaigne and Laurie Hays; and by three grandchildren,
Gerald Montaigne IV, Claire Montaigne, and Nuni Montaigne.
A funeral service will be held on Saturday, May 28, at 10
a.m. at the Church of the Advent, 401 N. Union St., Kennett Square.
Family and friends may call from 9:30 to 10 a.m. at the church.
A second memorial service will be held the same day, May 28,
at 2 p.m. at Crosslands, Rt. 926, Kennett Square, PA. In lieu of flowers,
please send contributions to the Church of the Advent, Building Fund, 201
Crestline Dr., Kennett Square, Pa., 19348.
Funeral arrangements are being made by Kuzo & Grieco
Funeral Home, Kennett Square, Pa. To send an online condolence, please
