Master gardeners to hold plant/book sale April 30

Penn State Extension Master
Gardeners-Chester County will hold a plant and book sale as part of their
“Gardening 101—It’s Easier than you Think!” garden fair on April 30th 10am-3pm
at the 4-H Romano Center, located on Route. 322 in Honey Brook PA. A variety of
perennials, shrubs, small trees, native plants, and gardening books will be
available for sale.

Native shrubs and trees, plants for
butterfly gardening, low-maintenance perennials, ornamental grasses, and other
wonderful plants have been donated by Green Leaf Plants, Groff’s Plant Farm,
Ken’s Gardens, North Creek Nurseries, and Octoraro Native Plant Nursery, among
others. Master Gardeners will be on hand to help shoppers choose the plants
that best meet their needs.

A fee of $5 per adult (children are free)
provides admittance to the sale and the garden fair: “Gardening 101—It’s Easier
than you Think!” Activities will include talks on butterflies, vegetable
gardening, garden design, and mulching; demonstrations on composting and
pruning; educational mini-golf; and other workshops, activities, exhibits, and
games, all designed to teach gardening fundamentals. Ice cream, hot dogs, and
other food provided by the 4-H clubs of Chester County will be available
on-site. The facility is under cover, so the fair will be held, rain or shine.

Master Gardener Programs are affiliated
with land-grant universities such as Penn State and managed through the Cooperative
Extension service
. Master Gardeners are volunteers who educate the
public about gardening and horticultural issues. The Penn State Master
Gardeners- Chester County work year-round on a variety of projects, including
demonstration gardens, horticultural therapy programs, community gardens
outreach, and a Speakers Bureau that offers talks on a wide range of
horticultural subjects.

To donate gardening books or for more
information about the Penn State Master Gardener program, please contact the
Chester County Penn State Cooperative Extension office located at 601 Westtown
Rd. in West Chester by calling 610-696-3500 or email Nancy Sakaduski, Chester
County Master Gardener Coordinator, at [email protected]. The Chester County
Master Gardeners also maintain an informational page on Facebook.

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