• Chadds Ford supervisors authorized the advertising of a hearing for the proposed sign amendment that accommodates billboards and dynamic signs. A hearing will likely be held in May, according to Township Manager Joe Barakat.
• Chadds Ford resident Keith Klaver will be doing double duty for the township during the next several months. He will temporarily rejoin the sewer authority to fill in for Jim Egan who stepped down. Klaver was the Sewer Authority Chairman until his term expired in December. In January he became a member of the Planning Commission. Supervisors' Chairman Garry Paul said Klaver would stay on the Sewer Commission until a replacement could be found.
•The Chadds Ford Historical Society’s lecture series
continues March 15 with “Religion
and the American Founding.” Dr. John Fea, author and chair of the History
Department at Messiah College will discuss the topic of his latest book, Was
America Founded as a Christian Nation: A Historical Introduction. The book is
first and foremost, a history book dealing with the role of religion in the
American Revolution and the religious beliefs of the founding fathers and tries
to take a very irenic, nuanced, and balanced approach to this subject.
The lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. in the Barn Visitors’ Center. Admission is $10.
• West Chester University
Sustainability Advisory Council, Chester County Citizens for Climate
Protection, and Chester County Sierra Club Committee will sponsor a Sustainability
Expo, 5:15 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16. It will be followed at 7 p.m. with “Strategies
for a Sustainable Future.” The program includes Michael Brune, executive director
of the National Sierra Club, as the keynote speaker. There will also be a panel
discussion on strategies for reducing your energy costs. This event will be
held in Sykes Student Union, 110 W. Rosedale Avenue, West Chester. Preregister
at www.sierraclub.org/wcu4CP.
For more information see www.chescocooler.org
• Everything you need to be
successful in business. Business owners, operators, managers, officers, and
those new business start-ups are invited to a small business expo and
networking mixer hosted by Marketing Solutions & Business Development. The
free event is scheduled for 5-8:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 30 at The Bistro, 115
E Swedesford Road in Exton. Participating vendor industries include marketing,
branding and business development, Web site and graphic design, financial
planning and health insurance, among others.
• A coalition of national
conservation groups and local land trusts, including the Brandywine
Conservancy, presented an award to U.S. Rep. Joseph Pitts, R-16, of
Cochranville, for his leadership in renewing a tax incentive for landowners who
protect their land in order to preserve important natural resources, a press
release said. According to the release, the incentive has boosted donations of
conservation easements on farms, ranches, forestlands and natural areas across
the country by a third, to over a million acres per year.
• Virgil Carter and 37
other local artists will be featured at the Delaware Valley Art League’s Spring
Art Show and Sale of Original Art Work. The Concordville-Chadds Ford Rotary
Club is partnering with the Art League to host the show and sale at the Crozer
Medical Plaza Community Room at Brinton Lake in Concordville (behind the
shops). The opening reception to meet the artists includes wine and light
refreshments and will be held Friday, March 18, from 6-8 p.m. $10 tickets are
available at the door. Original art work at all price points, starting as low
as $35 will be available for immediate purchase. Proceeds from the art show
benefit the programs of the Concordville-Chadds Ford Rotary Club.
