Where’s our $900,000?

So we citizens of Pennsbury, through our "open space tax" gave the now bankrupt owners of this property $900,000. How nice. To call this monstrosity of a farm "open space" is a perversion of the term. The space is NOT open. There is a large, modern, and not very attactive farm that one can hardly see from the the roads that border it. All we have done is give the owners $900,000 for nothing.
Patrick Barron
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A voice that soared !

A voice that soared !
What I will remember about Peggy is her incredible contralto singing voice.

As a vocal student of Emil Markow's at WCSU for over 6 years, I would sit at the carol sing at Birmingham Friends Meeting in breathless awe, wrapped in the warmth of a rare and enviable voice. Her "vocal" talents continued as she manned the radio communication center at the big second-story picture window in back of the Barn during Chadds Ford Days, over-seeing all and making sure everything ran smoothly.

A grand lady - a sad loss.

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