The year began and ended with stories about deer hunting to help control Lyme disease in Chadds Ford Township.
• In January, Peter Jesson, who heads the Lyme disease task force for the Chadds Ford Civic Association, proposed a study to determine the size of the deer population and to suggest a controlled hunt to cull the herd.
In November, Jesson and deer control officer Tim Smail held two public meetings on a proposed hunt to bring the estimated deer population of 144 per square mile down to 10 per square mile.
There has been no decision on when the hunt will begin, but organizers want it to start in either January or September of 2011.
• Another rerun story deals with the Brandywine Battlefield Park. Recall the park was shut down for two weeks in 2009 after the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission pulled the financial plug on the park. An agreement between the state, Chadds Ford Township and the Friends of the Brandywine Battlefield enabled the park to reopen with the bulk of the funding coming from township and Delaware County.
The friends group operated the park through 2010, and now, a new agreement reached in December will keep the park going through 2011, though it will not be open to the general public until April.
• A third story with an element of rerun—with a slight twist—was the appointment of Deborah Love as Supervisors’ Chairman in Chadds Ford Township. Love had been chairman for two years, then stepped aside. Her fellow supervisors reelected her chairman in January.
One of the first things Love did was institute a supervisors’ workshop session that’s open to the public. Workshops are generally held the Monday before the monthly Board of Supervisors’ meeting.
• Also in January, Rescue Ink, the tattooed, motorcycle-riding street toughs from New York joined in the hunt for whoever killed two German shorthaired pointers who were found shot to death on railroad tracks in Pennsbury Township in 2009. That case remains unsolved.
• A kitchen fire gutted Chadds Ford landmark Jimmy Johns on Route 202 in May, the day the hotdog stand was to celebrate its 70th anniversary. No one was injured in the blaze, but the restaurant was shut down until December.
• The Chadds Ford area got a new coffee house in May when BarnHouse Coffee and Tea opened in the Barn Shops on Route 1. Also this spring, Mushrooms opened in Pennsbury Township and the former Wawa in Chadds Ford Village, that had become the Cattie Shack, was renamed Olde Wooden market and Deli.
• Vocal residents in Pennsbury Township forced supervisors there to table a proposed use and occupancy ordinance.
Supervisors’ Chairman Wendell Fenton called the measure a matter of health and safety for new residents, but property owners disagreed. The proposal called for homeowners to pay a $200 fee to the township to have their properties inspected for 16 points before selling. The inspections were in addition to routine home inspections undertaken when homes are sold.
• Pennsbury Township also started its own farmers’ market in June. The weekly market ran through September with fresh produce and other goods sold on township property.
• Pennsbury residents experienced a rash of burglaries this past spring. In many cases, the Pennsylvania State Police barracks in Avondale failed to issue any press releases on the incidents. However, Tpr. Corey Monthei, the public affairs officer from the troop, did say the township was not being targeted. He also reminded people to take proper precautions in securing doors and windows at their homes.
• In September, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation began work on relocating a stretch of Route 52. Relocating the roadway further east is seen as a way of eliminating much of the congestion where Route 52 meets Route 1 near Longwood. The project is expected to cost about $15.4 million and be finished by September 2012.
• Chadds Ford residents got a new polling place this year. Residents now vote at Calvary Chapel on Brandywine Drive.
