The preliminary work—clearing trees and moving utility
lines— to relocate Route 52 is underway.
“Under the project, crews will relocate about 5,000 feet of
Route 52 and widen 1,400 feet of 926 and 4,000 feet of Route 1. We’re going to
install traffic signals on Route 52 at 926 and at the new intersection with
Route 1,” said Pennsylvania Department of Transportation spokesman Charlie
The relocation will take place between Route 926 and Route 1
in Kennett, East Marlborough and Pennsbury townships near Longwood Gardens. The
new roadway will be to the east of Route 52’s current alignment.
Relocating the roadway further east is seen as a way of
eliminating much of the congestion where Route 52 meets Route 1 near Longwood.
“A new bridge will also be constructed near the middle part
of the project that will carry Route 52 over a stream and wetlands on the
Longwood Gardens’ property,” Metzger said.
PennDOT doesn’t anticipate traffic problems, but Metzger
said there will be some detours and lane closures from time to time.
“Next spring, the intersection of Route 52 and 926 will be
closed and detoured for about six weeks. During that time, Route 52 will be
detoured over Route 1 and Creek Road, but other than that there will be no
traffic restrictions during special events at Longwood Gardens. Our contractor
is coordinating dates with the facility,” Metzger said.
He also said there would be some temporary lane closures
along Route 1 while crews tie in the new approaches.
The project is expected to cost about $15.4 million and be finished by
September 2012.

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.
And what happens to the land to the south- west of the new Rte 52 where the old road was?
Does that now become part of the formal Longwod Gardens?
I have alwas loved pulling off Rte 52 just north of Rte 1, to see the large stone marker near where Indian Hannah was born and lived with her family- the last of the Lenni-Lenape people in the Bandywine Valley.
Hmmm…maybe a blog for the Bard?
What happens to Rte. 52 AFTER it meets 926? Will one turn right (going north) until one arrives at the existing 1 & 52 intersection?