What’s a business owner to do when sales are down and
government bailouts don’t trickle down to the retail level? Will a new sign or
updated Web site attract customers? How about a magic mask?
Chadds Ford Gallery owner Jackie Winthur isn’t taking any
“That mask isn’t going anywhere,” she said with more than
just a hint of a smile.
The mask, “The King of Hearts” is a papier maché creation of
artist Cliff Anderson. The artist brought two masks and some paintings to the
gallery in early July. Winther said she accepted them, but was then annoyed
with herself for the decision.
“It’s so not what we do,” she said.
One of the masks hung like a painting, but “The King of
Hearts” was more like a sculpture. Neither she nor gallery director Barbara
Moore knew exactly what to do with it so they put it on the fireplace mantle in
the front room of the gallery before deciding on how to display the piece.
Winther’s annoyance changed when sales unexpectedly turned
“Foot traffic picked up, our business has gotten a whole lot
better. Internet sales have been great and Paul Scarborough has been selling
well… We can’t keep Paul’s work in stock. He walks past the mask every day,”
Winther said.
The upswing in business, she said, coincides with the mask
coming into the shop, though she also says the gallery has upgraded its Web
site, and gotten a new sign. She also thinks some of the increased traffic
might be due, in part, to people coming in after visiting the Barn House Coffee
Shop located behind the gallery in the Barn Shops.
Then again, “It does seem kind of funny that when the mask
showed up things got markedly better,” she said. “We talk to the mask. We pray
to the mask. We don’t move the mask. We’re very careful around the mask. It
seems to generate an aura and we just respect the mask. The mask isn’t leaving
Winther said people have asked to borrow it, such as a
fisherman who was in a tournament, a businessman who wanted to borrow it for
some sporting event, “But the mask is not for loan. It is so staying her.”
When asked if that meant the mask was not for sale she said,
“Well, that depends…I really can’t say whether it’s for sale now. It was
originally for sale when I first took it, but now I’m not sure if it would like
being moved.”
According to Winther the mask likes it where it is, it’s
picking up vibes.
She recognizes that people will think it’s nothing more than
coincidence and superstition. For Winther it’s a matter of fun and making her
and her employees happy and gives them encouragement.
“And it’s something to talk about. It’s just fun… And it’s
Bill Githens, owner of the Barn House Coffee Shop said he
hadn’t seen the mask, but wants it in his shop. Why? “Because it’s fun and it’s
enlivened Jackie’s spirits. Is it timing? Is it coincidence? I don’t know, but
it’s neat regardless.”

About Rich Schwartzman
Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.