Chadds Ford adopts new comp plan

After 37 years, Chadds Ford Township has a new Comprehensive
Plan. The Board of Supervisors voted 2-0 (with Supervisor George Thorpe absent)
to adopt the new plan during their May 5 meeting. The last plan was adopted in

According to Ray Ott, whose consulting firm worked with
township volunteers on the project, the plan covers all the requirements of the
state’s Municipalities Planning Code.

It includes a statement of goals, a land use plan, a plan to
meet future housing needs and a facilities plan among other points.

Of the considerations on future housing needs, Ott said the
plan projects a population growth of up to 1,999 more people by 2030 with an
additional 829 dwelling units needed.

He said population projections are not science, but “more of
an art.”

The plan also addresses goals to protect open space, public
places and the need to provide for recreation as well as for residential and
commercial growth.

Part of the process used to develop the plan included
surveys mailed to residents and interviews with 11 community members. People
were able to give their opinions land use, trails and open space, roads and
township services.

The new plan is more than 80 pages, while the old plan was a
single sheet of paper with a map on one side and text on the other.

The Comprehensive Plan becomes part of the zoning code, Ott

Other business

Greg Chestnut, president of the Rachel Kohl Community
Library Board of Trustees told the supervisors that the library is looking to
expand. It had been sharing the building with Concord Township, but the
township moved to new facilities.

The library bought the rest of the building, Chestnut said,
and will first renovate the existing structure, then add on to build and expand
the children’s library and add more meeting room space.

About Rich Schwartzman

Rich Schwartzman has been reporting on events in the greater Chadds Ford area since September 2001 when he became the founding editor of The Chadds Ford Post. In April 2009 he became managing editor of ChaddsFordLive. He is also an award-winning photographer.

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