Aichele elected chair of Chester County Commissioners

Carol Aichele was elected Chair of the Chester County
Commissioners during the Jan. 5 reorganization meeting.

Terence Farrell was elected Vice Chair of the organization. He served as Chair
last year.

 “I’m looking forward to working with
leaders in Washington and Harrisburg in the coming year on behalf of the
citizens of Chester County,” Aichele said in a press release. Aichele is
beginning her seventh year as a Chester County Commissioner. “I believe
government can be run efficiently and economically.”  Aichele previously
served as Controller of Chester County.

said he was honored to serve as chair in 2009 and he looks forward to working
with Aichele and Commissioner Kathi Cozzone in 2010. Farrell said some of the
county’s accomplishments last year included a budget without a tax hike and the
attaining of three AAA bond ratings that saved county taxpayers millions of
dollars in interest payments. “I thank my colleagues and staff for their hard

said one reason the county has been successful is that everyone in county
government works together in the best interest of the residents.

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