Pileggi hosting public forum to discuss future of battlefield park

State Sen. Majority Leader Dominic Pileggi, R-9, of Chester will host a public forum regarding the proposed closure of the Brandywine Battlefield on Monday, May 18, from 6 to 8 p.m., giving area residents a chance to hear from – and be heard by – the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

“Brandywine Battlefield Park was the site of the largest engagement of the Revolutionary War,” said Pileggi in a press release. “The battlefield is an important historic and cultural asset for Pennsylvania. This public forum is designed to give citizens a real chance to voice their thoughts and concerns to the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.”

The following representatives from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission are expected to attend the forum: Barbara Franco, PHMC’s executive director; Steve Miller, PHMC’s bureau director for historic sites and museums; and Jason Gerard, PHMC’s legislative liaison.

The May 18 meeting will be held at the Brandywine River Museum (Lecture Room), 1 Hoffman’s Mill Road, Chadds Ford.

Anyone interested in additional information about the public forum can contact Senator Pileggi’s Glen Mills district office by calling (610) 358-5183 or by emailing [email protected].

More information about state issues can be found on Senator Pileggi’s web site, www.senatorpileggi.com.

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