Applied Belief: It’s not about Jesus; it’s about you

It has always been about you. As billions of people around the world celebrate Passover and Easter this week, I am reminded that this Holiest of Weeks is all about you. Yes, to be sure, the main focus is on Jesus who came to live out his powerful message of love and in these final days to die and then, to rise. Yet everything that…

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Applied Belief: God loves Israel and so should you

God made a promise to Abram thousands of years ago saying: “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:2-3) The Creator of the…

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The Rabbi’s Study: Dealing with conflict

While of course the Hebrew Bible is the central story of the Jewish people, the richness of our tradition and of our essence stems from the fact that we read it as a foundational text supporting a framework woven through with all of the other stories that we have written and discovered and learned and lived since our tradition tells us that God gave the…

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Applied Belief: The ice age of love

Around this time next week many men will begin panicking because they haven’t made the time to go out and get something for their significant other. Valentine’s Day, that oh so wonderful day of love. Deep down inside we all still desire to be the object of someone’s affection. Who doesn’t remember getting that Valentine’s Day card in school? Most people, whether they would admit…

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Applied Belief: #ItDoesNotMatter

Happy New Year! It will be happy for some, maybe, but not so much for others. In a recent article in Politico, Michael Grunwald exclaimed, “Everything is Awesome.” He said as much because according to his research “the U.S. economy grew at a 5 percent rate in the third quarter. The economy added 320,000 jobs in November, the best of 57 straight months of job…

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The Rabbi’s Study: Religion and the language of music

There is a wonderful story in a collection of teachings by Rabbi Moshe Hayyim Efrayim (1748-1800). In this story, the rabbi describes a village musician of such prodigious talent that whenever he enters into the town square, picks up his instrument and begins to play, anyone within earshot is immediately inspired to dance with joy, jumping into the air and spinning exuberantly in the Hasidic…

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The Rabbi’s Study: Recognizing the good

There is an old story about two very competitive classmates at an Ivy League college. For four years they jockey with each other to see who can get better grades, lead more organizations and collect more invitations to various parties and societies. As often happens, even though so much of their college careers are defined by their relationship to each other, soon after graduation they…

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