Rabbinic Reflections: Leveled leadership

It was a team effort. Everyone was locked in. Each leader credited someone other than himself. And somehow, we the fans did not just know it, we felt it. The circle was wide; it was held tight and yet it fit everyone in. The Eagles’ championship victory was not only domination on the field, but it was also transcendent joy around the region. Even without…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Memory and storytelling

It’s the year 2025. Over the years, I have tried different ways of taking stock of life, from typical New Year’s resolutions to reviews of the past year’s meaningful moments and from scrolling through photos of New Year’s Eve over the years to looking closely at the faces around my table. This year has me focused on what it means to create memories. Memories are…

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Rabbinic Reflections: A deeper bench

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Thirty-six candles for the “36 people upholding the world with.”

December arrived very quickly this year and, with it, the countdown to the holidays. I am used to digesting Thanksgiving before turning my attention to the coming combinations of dark days and decorative lights, cold weather and warm joy. In a way, I am also used to this season reminding me of all that is beyond my control and consequently of the need to express…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Angel companions

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Terebinth trees grow old and gnarly. The rabbis say God chose to have Abraham's tent near one as a symbol of being able to bear fruit even in old age.

We all need guardian angels – someone to look after us, to be with us, and to keep us going where we need to go. When my children were young, their bedtime routine included a recitation of a Jewish bedtime prayer. After reciting the Shema (Deuteronomy 6:4-9), I adapted a traditional prayer text to say, “May God’s angels, Michael on your right, Gavriel on your…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Reclamation Proclamation

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Image from https://www.nps.gov/inde/planyourvisit/libertybellcenter.htm

How do we go on? As a new Jewish year moves from the introspection and accounting of the High Holy Days into the coming harvest festival, how do we find hope when so much of last year’s hopes were broken?  War and global conflict are inescapable news. Devastation from natural disasters hits harder and comes again faster. Politics and media are full of bitter division.…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Finishing the task

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A helping hand (Image from https://thomasguettler.com/2017/09/01/smile-and-lend-a-hand/ Sept. 1, 2017)

In times of disappointment or despair, Jewish tradition offers tools for resilience. Sometimes, those tools do better than get us out of a rut and instead inspire us to take action to make the world a better place. These tools are front and center this week on the Jewish calendar and in the news. From last week through to this coming Tuesday, the Jewish calendar…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Sun catching

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Image from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4b/Catching_the_sun_%283873700057%29.jpg

My team recently made sun catchers together. We patiently added paint to our frames in patterns that pleased us. While doing so, we chatted amiably, and our bodies relaxed. Towards the end of our time, I noted that there was something very Jewish about paying attention to the sun just now: we are in the Hebrew month of Tammuz (based on a lunar cycle) during…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Faithcraft

Judaism is faith-based, but not based on faith. At least, it is not based solely on faith. We would not talk about the Jewish people, Jewishness, Jewish identity, or antisemitism if Judaism was only about beliefs or tenets and their consequent behaviors. Rather, Judaism is multifaceted and multilayered, especially given its survival over millennia. As we approach the holiday of Shavuot this week, it matters…

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Rabbinic Reflections: Ordered together

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The four sons. (Image from https://akivaschool.com/parshat-tzav-preparation-for-passover-the-four-sons/)

One of the oldest book clubs is about to reconvene for its annual meeting. This year, careful consideration is being given to the question of how best to maintain order, after all the meeting is called seder, meaning “order.” For some, order will come from the right guest list, gathering family and friends who know each other well enough to stay together, even if they…

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