Spar Hill Farm reopens in Kennett

Spar Hill Farm and Preserve officially reopened Saturday to the public, almost five years after Kennett Township bought the open space and months after a number of structures on the property were demolished for safety reasons. “This is the first time that name has been used as a title for this facility and space, and we’re really excited to be able to do it here…

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Big rig in Kennett Township

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The hydradig is used to improve site lines and clear ditches in Kennett Township. (Photo courtesy of Kennett's Public Works Director Theodore Otteni)

What weighs more than 11 tons, goes up to 25 mph and swings 360 degrees, has its own online presence on Kennett Township’s Facebook page, and tears out part of a hill without blocking two lanes of traffic? The hydradig, a hydraulic wheeled excavator that Kennett Township’s Public Works Department has rented this month. “It’s got all the function of an excavator – turning bucket,…

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New library to open soon

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The new Kennett Library is still under construction but is expected to open in late June. A grand opening is planned for Aug. 27.

It’s been a long time coming, but the new Kennett Library is expected to open in late June, with a grand opening following in August. Ground was broken for the new building in August of 2021 and February of this year was the anticipated opening. But the controversy over a new library goes back two decades. Mary Hutchins, the development director for the library said…

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Kennett finances improving

An auditing firm hired by Kennett Township has looked at more than 80 percent of the revenue and expenses from 2021 and confirmed the township’s financial health has improved significantly since the 2019 audit. Chris Herr, one of the partners with Maillie LLP, presented the 2021 audit results at Wednesday’s supervisors’ meeting. “We’re looking at a lot of stuff, and overall, not finding the issues…

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More public comment allowed

Kennett Township residents will now have two dedicated public comment periods at the supervisors’ meetings this year. There will be a public comment period only on agenda items at the start of the meeting, and a general public comment period at the end of the meeting, supervisors’ Chairman Geoff Gamble said at the Jan. 18 meeting. Agenda comments will be limited to three minutes. “We…

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Supervisor won’t run again

Kennett Township Supervisor Scudder Stevens will not be running for re-election. Stevens made the announcement at the Jan. 18 supervisors’ meeting after reading a statement that highlighted his last 12 years on the board. “I’ve taken this time to make this statement for what has occurred in the past 12 years,” he said. “I’ve done this, in part, as a preamble to announce that I…

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Kennett Twp. sets priorities

Strategic regionalization and a review of township committees are two of the priorities of the new chairman of the Kennett Township Board of Supervisors. Geoffrey Gamble became the chairman at the annual reorganization meeting Tuesday, and Richard Leff the vice chairman in 2023. Supervisor Scudder Stevens was absent due to a recent surgery. In a statement he read at the meeting, held at the Red…

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Reopening of Kennett meeting room soon

The Kennett supervisors could begin meeting again in the township building by March. The supervisors have held meetings at neighboring municipal buildings for months while work is being done to remediate a mold problem in the public meeting room. On Wednesday they met in the new Kennett Borough building; in previous months they met at the New Garden Township building. They have not held hybrid…

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Kennett Twp. raises taxes

Kennett Township supervisors approved the 2023 budgets Wednesday night, with a half-mill tax increase to help pay for increasing emergency and police service costs. The 0.5-mill increase will mean the average taxpayer in Kennett, with a property worth $624,000 and assessed at $246,871, would pay an extra $123 each year in township taxes, according to Kennett Finance Director Amy Heinrich. (A mill is $1 for…

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New open space in Kennett Twp.

Kennett Township supervisors voted Wednesday to approve the township’s newest open space acquisition. The township will purchase about 23 acres at 421 Burnt Mill Road for $925,669.22 and designate the land for open space. The supervisors accomplished that by unanimously approving two resolutions at Wednesday’s meeting: Resolution 2022-21 designates the land for open space, and Resolution 2022-22 authorizes the acquisition of the land. Open space…

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Rededicating WWI monument

The William W. Fahey American Legion Post 491 will conduct a rededication of the WWI Monument located on the property of Mary D. Lang Kindergarten Center at the corner of Center and West Mulberry Streets on Saturday, Nov. 19, at 4 p.m. Community members are invited to honor those who fought for our freedom at a WWI monument rededication ceremony. “The monument, which was installed…

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