Changes on Station Way Road

The Brandywine Conservancy is still in the process of recovering from Hurricane Ida, and the Chadds Ford Zoning Hearing Board has granted some help. The board voted 3-0 Tuesday night to grant a series of variances that would allow the conservancy to make some changes to its property at 6 Station Way Road. There are some conditions attached, though. Attorney Andrew Rau, representing the conservancy,…

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CF board OKs stream project

Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night voted to approve a stream restoration project, a traffic light study, and to guarantee a loan for the Sewer Authority. The stream restoration project is for the Brinton Run Preserve off Oakland Road. NALT, the North American Land Trust, owns the 71-acre property but needed township approval because Chadd's Ford owns the easement. NALT President Steven Carter said at…

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Henderson approval on hold

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A rendering showing the tiered roofline of the proposed new building at Painters Crossing.

It will take the Chadds Ford Planning Commission at least one more month before it votes on whether to recommend a new building for the Painters Crossing shopping center. As has been reported, The Henderson Group, which owns the center, wants to erect a new 15,000-plus square foot building with five units in the southeast corner of the center where Farmers’ Road, Arby’s, and the…

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Board considers sewer loan

The Chadds Ford Sewer Authority is looking to borrow $300,00 and needs the township to guarantee that loan. The matter was discussed during the Board of Supervisors work session on Jan. 22 and could be voted on in February. Supervisors’ Chairman Timotha Trigg said the loan would be from the Delaware Valley Regional Finance Authority to replace the Woodland Pump Station. “Originally planned for future…

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Henderson Group still needs recommendation

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An architect's rendering of the proposed new building for Painters Crossing.

The Henderson Group will return to the Chadds Ford Planning Commission at least one more time before it can get a recommendation for a new building in Painters Crossing. As reported in November, Henderson wants to construct a 15,000-plus square foot building at the southeast corner of the shopping center, taking over the pads that had previously been occupied by Farmers’ Road, Arby’s, and the…

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No recommendation for Calvary yet

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Calvary Chapel's expansion plan. (File image)

Calvary Chapel still wants to expand and made another presentation to the Chadds Ford Township Planning Commission Wednesday evening, but they’ll have to go back again. As is often the case, issues center around traffic, parking, and sewage. As previously reported in September, Calvary — which was built on Brandywine Drive in 2009 — wants to expand with an 11,500-square-foot addition on the northeast side…

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Chadds Ford passes budget

Chadds Ford Township supervisors approved the 2025 budget Wednesday night with no increase in township property taxes. There was a change in the former Business Privilege Tax, however, and the budget had to be readvertised because of that change. The name Business Privilege Tax is gone and is replaced by a Business Registration License. Additionally, the BPT had been $100 per year but the BRL…

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CFTRA honors Sipala

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Helen Sipala, center, accepts the Citizen of the Year Award from the Chadds Ford Township Residents Association. She is flanked by CFRTA Treasurer Jody Allen, left, and President Susan Worteck, right.

Helen Sipala became the recipient of the Chadds Ford Township Residents Association Chadds Ford Citizen of the Year for 2024. CFTRA presented the award during a brief ceremony at the township building on the evening of Dec. 10. “Chadds Ford is truly an extraordinary place that forms an intersection of so many themes,” said CFTRA Treasurer Jody Allen, referring to the Battle of Brandywine and…

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From tax to registration fee

Chadds Ford Township supervisors Wednesday night voted to readvertise the township’s proposed 2025 budget. Township solicitor Mike Maddren said the readvertising is required because of a wording change. What had been a Business Privilege Tax is now a Business Registration Fee, but Maddren said it would still be $225 per year. According to the ordinance change, the term “business privilege tax” is a misnomer and…

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Ridings residents seek help

An approved commercial development in Concord Township has, again, triggered concerns among some Chadds Ford Township residents. Those residents, mostly from the Ridings development, asked Chadds Ford supervisors Wednesday evening to take an active role in learning what will actually be happening at the intersection of Route 202 and Ridge Road. Specifically, they asked the supervisors to get updated information on traffic counts and stormwater…

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Chadds Ford seeks gaming grant

Supervisors in Chadds Ford Township voted to apply for an LSA Grant for the Chadds Ford Historical Society. LSA — or Local Share Account — is "a program that distributes gaming revenues to support projects in the public interest in various Pennsylvania counties," according to the Pennsylvania Department of Community & Economic Development. Chadds Ford Township manager Lacey Faber said during the Nov. 20 board…

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