Academic Achievement Jan. 12

• Chadds Ford resident Olivia DiMarino, majoring in nursing, made the Fall 2023 Dean's List at DeSales University. To qualify for Dean's List, a student must have a minimum 3.50 GPA on no fewer than 12 credit hours. • Julia Boettler of Chadds Ford was named to the Dean's List at Slippery Rock University for the fall 2023 semester. The dean's list consists of SRU…

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U-CF board talks money

Unionville Chadds Ford School Board directors heard reports on three items concerning facilities that are up for a vote at next week’s regular meeting. They also resumed the budget talks for the 2024-2025 school year during the board’s almost four-hour-long Jan. 8 work session. Director of Finance Joe Deady gave the presentation on the preliminary budget, which estimates revenues of $106,728,061, and expenditures of $106,740,256.…

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Academic Achievement Jan. 5

• Emi Arai of Chadds Ford was named to the Dean's List at Lehigh University in the Fall 2023 semester. Dean's List status is awarded to students who earned a scholastic average of 3.6 or better while carrying at least 12 hours of regularly graded courses. • Ashley Humphries and Claudia Gilfoy, both of Chadds Ford, were named to the President’s List for Fall 2023…

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Students raise $ for fire company

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Students help Concordville Fire & Protection Assn.

Garnet Valley School District students, siblings Sanjay, Shyla, and Sachin Misra, presented a $400 check to the Concordville Fire & Protection Assn. Wednesday afternoon. The students sang Christmas Carols to raise the money. This was the second year they raised funds for the fire company, Sanjay Misra said. Flanking the students in the photo are, from left, are Matt Tiger, Fire Chief Bob Vasek, fire…

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Family sues U-CF

A Chadds Ford family has filed suit against the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District for what they allege are false charges of harassment against their son and his wrongful expulsion from school. The 41-page complaint, filed by Kevin and Renata Brabank on behalf of their son Ford, calls for a jury trial. The Brabanks are represented in the suit by Bradley Flynn, an attorney with Montgomery…

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Students make memorial benches

Unionville High School Technology and Engineering students recently constructed two benches for the Kennett Square YMCA in memory of late classmate Emma Hill. UHS senior and Hill family neighbor Courtney Brennan was the student lead on this project. She coordinated with the family, created the designs, developed a bill of materials, and led her classmates through the construction project. "I was approached by Mr. Berkeihiser…

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U-CF approves prelim budget

As anticipated, the Unionville Chadds Ford School Board approved a preliminary budget and the replacement of a wastewater treatment plant at Chadds Ford Elementary School. Director Rashi Akki said the plant was built in 1964 and had a life expectancy of 40 years but it “outlived its life by 20 years, but it’s not meeting the specifications required by DEP [Department of Environmental Protection]. It’s…

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U-CF talks sewers and budget

Unionville-Chadds Ford School Board members need to consider upgrading the wastewater treatment facilities at Chadds Ford Elementary School. The topic has been under consideration for several years and a final decision is approaching. The current system was installed in 1964 and treated water is discharged into Ring Run which feeds into the Brandywine Creek. It’s rated to treat 6,000 gallons per day but is currently…

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School district celebrates 100 years

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What’s a parade without a marching band?

Unionville-Chadds Ford School District celebrated its 100 years in service with a brief parade Friday. The parade started where the district began in 1923, at Unionville Elementary School, and made its way down to the high school football field before the start of the homecoming game. Here's the parade in photos.

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18 merit finalists from UHS

The National Merit Scholarship Corporation recently announced that 18 Unionville High School students have been named Semifinalists in the 2024 National Merit Scholarship Program. The National Merit Scholarship Program honors individual students who show exceptional academic ability and potential for success in rigorous college studies. "We are immensely proud to announce that 18 of our exceptional students have been named National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists,”  said…

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UHS ranked among the best

Unionville High School has been ranked No. 307 in the nation among the 2023-2024 Best High Schools by U.S. News & World Report. The rankings evaluate more than 17,600 schools at the national, state, and local levels. The school was also ranked No. 6  in Pennsylvania and No. 117 in STEM High Schools in the nation, according to U.S. News & World Report. “This is…

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