Steve Barrar is “Out of Touch”

My name is David Cleary and I am running for the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives, 160th District.

At the end of this article the author mentions the democratic candidate for this office, but fails to mention that David Cleary is also on the ballot. I am running for this office because I think Steve Barrar is “out of touch” and the citizen of the 160th Legislative District deserve better.

I have knocked on a lot of doors including some in Chadds Ford, and many people in the 160th district don’t know who their state representative is. I would love to have a forum in Chadds Ford from which to meet people and speak about my candidacy, but I don’t have a legislative office to campaign from. I have to get my name out the old fashioned way door-to-door.

Was this healthcare event brought to the citizens of Chadds Ford as a service of Representatives Barrar’s legislative office or candidate Barrar’s campaign? My understanding is that this event was not a campaign event but rather a service his legislative office provides. If this was a campaign event as the article implies, then it should not have been advertised, supported or funded in anyway by his legislative office.

This election, Steve Barrar will have to talk about what he has done in his 14 years as a legislator (his record) and what he intends to do in the future. Simply complaining about Governor Rendell (who is leaving office in a couple months) or complaining about the democrats will not be sufficient. Candidate Barrar is going to have to have to win the voters on his merits because David Cleary is also running for this office. or [email protected]
Dave Cleary

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Gossip Brindle

I took a few days to think about what this said about our society. I came up with several thoughts. One, I wonder if it had been a woman who had dressed up in the "gossip" bridle would men have been as comfortable with the comments? Or would it have generated even more? Second, after watching a recent episode of the Apprentice (okay, a guilty pleasure) where the teams are split between men and women and the women's team lost so they had to go to the boardroom for someone to get fired, the men got to watch via tv.The comments which came from those men were "oh now we are going to see a catfight". Yet if the roles had been reversed what would have been the corresponding comment which the women could have directed at the group of men? Hint...there isn't a generalization like that for a group of men. This led me back to Dr. Gajdo's experience at Chadds Ford Days. I would like to believe we have evolved in our human "be-ingness" but sadly I wonder how much we truly understand one another and what is it within each of our own minds and hearts which allows the comments and behavior of these men at Chadd Ford Days to think it was okay. It doesn't matter if it was under the guse of humor, it was in incredibly poor taste. And I won't even start on the man who dressed up with the "gossip" brindle...

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Indian Hannah Memorial marker?

Indian Hannah Memorial marker?
And what happens to the land to the south- west of the new Rte 52 where the old road was?
Does that now become part of the formal Longwod Gardens?
I have alwas loved pulling off Rte 52 just north of Rte 1, to see the large stone marker near where Indian Hannah was born and lived with her family- the last of the Lenni-Lenape people in the Bandywine Valley.
Hmmm...maybe a blog for the Bard?



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